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02-03-25 07:41 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Garrett Langdon
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Posts: 128/201
I know. I didn't want magic, though.
Posts: 2346/2746
I'm training you. Realize that you are aat a great disadvantage without powers, and need to have excellent sword fighting skills, along with grappling.
Posts: 125/201
Name: Garrett Langdon
Age: 20
Birthplace: Catonsville, Maryland
Weapons: usually fights unarmed, but always carries a katana and a switchblade for protection
Appearance: 6'0", 189 lbs. Short, spiked black hair. Wears a tight, plain black t-shirt. White athletic shorts/pants (depending on the weather, of course) with a black stripe down the side. Black fingerless gloves. Silver chain around his neck at all times. white Power Balance wristband around his right wrist.
Bio: Garrett Langdon is a 20 year old college dropout from Catonsville, Maryland, a suburb just outside of Baltimore. He is witty, sarcastic, and very eloquent. He's also very arrogant, tenacious, and an aggressive fighter who likes to play mind games with his opponents. Growing up, Garrett was a bit of a problem child, despite his obvious intellect. He often get into fights at school, and it was rare for a week to pass without a trip to the principal's office. Despite this, he managed to get into the University of Maryland upon graduation. One night, in his freshman year, he discovered a secret street fighting ring in downtown Baltimore. Always itching for a fight, Garrett got involved. The fights were to a knockout, and Garrett won his first fight in less than two minutes. Kenny Nicholas, one of the leaders of the ring, took Garrett under his wing. He flourished, winning every one of his fights for nine months straight, making quite a bit of money in the process. His studies took a beating as a result; he dropped out a few weeks into his sophomore year at UMD, and started going to the fights every night. One night, he arrived to the secret location to find a crowd gathered around a strange figure, but no fight going on. Pushing to the front, he saw Kenny's lifeless body lying underneath the figure, who attempted to leave. Garrett confronted the figure, who beat him down with superhuman strength. When Garrett still got back up, the figure barked a word of magic, and he was thrown back again, knocked unconscious. Upon awaking, he took Kenny's necklace and has taken to wearing it at all times. He went into seclusion a few days later, training for an entire year in solitude. When he emerged and returned to the fighters, they told him that the figure that murdered Kenny wasn't the only thing that possessed inhuman powers that were around these days. Garrett, a cold indifference in his personality now, takes on any and all fighters, regardless of any handicap that he might possess. He prefers to fight hand-to-hand, but keeps a Katana with him, concealed under a long leather coat, in case anyone that's armed challenges him.

First time I've made a character...if anyone wants more details, just ask. I'm not sure how well I did.
Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Garrett Langdon

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