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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - How do you listen to your music?
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Posts: 2331/2724
One at a time if I'm after something specific, and never particularly loud. Youtube, MP3s, SPCs... this site is really useful, btw. I use it mostly for video game music I can't track down elsewhere.

It's rare that I want a whole CD, so I usually just buy individual MP3s off Amazon.
Posts: 479/513
I use the Pandora app on my iPhone when I'm in the car, and iTunes when I'm at home.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 1318/1329
When I had my iTouch I'd listen to it off of that. I got all my music from friends computers or what I downloaded years ago. But now that it's gone, I usually stick to my usual methods.

I listen to the radio in the car, and on the computer I listen to "grooveshark" with is like pandora, except you decide all of the exact songs you want to listen to. It works perfectly for me. And it's legal.
Posts: 6688/9736
I usually use iTunes/iPod, most of the music I get from others or download (if I like, I save up to buy the CD)

Otherwise it's Pandora and the occasionally used YouTube. I also used to use Radio Blog Club but like Rogue said, it kinda died.

Apparently there is some new awesome music program that recently came out that is like Pandora... I forget the name but my friend has it on his PS3.
Posts: 8/12
Yeah I just usually go to youtube and listen to music. I really have no other way of listening to it.
True Flight
Posts: 4358/5245
Yeah. I got introduced to Emilie Autumn through Pandora radio. THat was on the Gackt channel too. lol
Posts: 2842/2999
"every now and then" twice in the same sentence! Bravo, monsieur!
Posts: 6602/7838
I agree with Pandora radio. I still listen to the site every now and then just to get brushed up on different genres I listen to every now and then.
True Flight
Posts: 4347/5245
I either download all my music or something.

For the longest time I was listening to Pandora Radio. You put in a song or artist and it will find songs that are in the genre. You can skip up to like 5 songs in an hour if you're not paying. here's the site:

Pandora Radio

Try it out. It's fun. You'll find songs you like and new songs you probably never even heard.
Posts: 2333/2746
Originally posted by Seijika
Like a boss.


You say so little, but what you do is quite amazing.
Posts: 2839/2999
Like a boss.
Squire Vince
Posts: 1509/1586
i have an ipod which is my best friend, haha. i will put it on shuffle and still pick the songs i want to hear. I use my iTunes, Pandora, Youtube, Project Playlist, I like my music lol
Posts: 6590/7838
I have an 850w stereo with two speakers. Just recently I also was gifted a sub woofer.

It packs a wallop. It put cracks on my window and I need to be careful on turning up the bass too loud. It makes the whole house shake. And I live in a three story house!

I also failed to mention that the highest watt volume I have ever heard was 1000. But 850w is close enough. Also, It's DTS surround sound.

I have tried doing tests to record myself listening to it at 50%. But the camreas I use all distort the sound and totally mess the quality up. So it's basically a "You have to be here" kinda loud.

It does reach decibels that match explosions. But only at 80% volume. Never went any higher in fear that I might blow my own speakers out.
Posts: 544/639
I'll listen to music from Itunes while I'm doing homework or just for background noise when I'm on the internet or playing video games. I mostly do my serious listening on my ipod in my bed when I'm about to go to sleep.
Posts: 8831/11758
I still usually download, but youtube is pretty easy access and has a lot of stuff thesedays.

I don't even have speakers for my new PC and don't really care, I've had these babies for a few years:

It's falling apart from falling off my desk too much though, lots of tape holding the plastic together on the right side.
Posts: 2299/2746
I've never had an iPod or anything fancy, and I don't download illegally. So most of my music comes straight from the CDs I own.

If there's something I do not have, which is often, I browse YouTube for some tunes

I'm also a frequenter of Pandora. I listen to my Weezer station and everything is okay. I think it has a nice set-up, personally. They play songs that you like and are similar to others, which usually leads you to other bands that you've never bothered listening to.
Posts: 6614/11918
If there's a song I have an itch to listen to, I head to YouTube. Otherwise, I listen to my iPod Shuffle when I'm out and about. I don't usually sit at my desk with iTunes open or anything.

I've tried Pandora a few times, but other than that it introduces me to a few new people I like, I haven't really gotten into it as a regular place to go for music. I mean, like I said I just get an itch to listen to a certain song and I go to YouTube for it. Pandora doesn't really do that. They play songs LIKE the one you want.

Actually, I used to regularly use Radio Blog Club, but it sort of went under with the advent of YouTube and Pandora.
Posts: 1656/3416
Countless threads have been made about what kind of music you listen to, but how do you do it?

Do you just go to Youtube and listen to it one at a time or do you make 8-hour long playlist compilations? Do you listen to it quietly at home or do you crank it up to 11 in your car?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - How do you listen to your music?

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