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03-14-25 08:56 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - McDonald's Monpoly
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4235/4541
Perhaps a passworded forum that only certain members of access to?
Posts: 543/639
I love when McDonalds does this promotion. I don't eat there a lot but I always need one or two more pieces to complete a set so this could help. We could send the codes through pm to a designated member or something like that.
Posts: 1632/3416
Originally posted by Lord Vulkymort
So, I don't eat much at McDonalds, so I really don't know the details of the contest, but...what exactly would someone do if they actually saw what pieces we had?

Its not like they can steal them or anything.

They could try to sweeten a deal that's meant to be between friends, then pull something at the last second to turn it all sour, whether it's legal action or what-have-you.
Posts: 630/684
Sometimes I eat at McDonalds with people at the Church or some other related friends. I can never go there often alone.

But I'm not part some kind of the contest due to limited time of day off my workplace.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4234/4541
So, I don't eat much at McDonalds, so I really don't know the details of the contest, but...what exactly would someone do if they actually saw what pieces we had?

Its not like they can steal them or anything.
Posts: 1629/3416
Or make another forum that's only accessible by known and trusted members, something that's not quite the staff forums but is higher than the regular forums!
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 253/418
Originally posted by Bitmap
^^^ I was just thinking the same thing. Perhaps there where we could hide ourselves?

Also there needs to be an agreement on this whole thing if we make this shit big. Like, contract worthy.


This must happen if it is going to work. I'm not a lawyer, but I think we would need to lay down some ground rules. I'll get to work on them.

As for hiding the thread, I think we'd need a way to keep things under the radar while still being accessible to the members of the board. We could move it to Forum 255 and block that from non-registered users...Or make a new forum for it. Or whatever. I know how to block forums from non-registered users if DS or Xeo want to do that.
Posts: 6497/7838
^^^ I was just thinking the same thing. Perhaps there where we could hide ourselves?

Also there needs to be an agreement on this whole thing if we make this shit big. Like, contract worthy.
Posts: 2255/2746
I say we hide this thread. Anyone surfing the net would also see our pieces

In any case, I don't really eat fast food. If I get anything, I will gladly let you guys know, but I won't take any prize money.
Posts: 2828/2999
Yeah, what the hell. I'll tell ya'll what I get if I ever go there.
Posts: 1624/3416
Hopefully we can get some kind of result, hehe.
Posts: 6492/7838
Ba da bob bop baaa~ I'm lovin' this idea!

Fuck yeah. Consider this thread going places.
Posts: 8795/11758
This sounds hilariously awesome, I'm down!

Just don't expect much from me, not like I visit McDonalds too often.

On that note however, I do go more than I used too. I burned out on Wendy's and it doesn't help that the one near me is downright terrible... I've literally pretty much "quit" Wendy's for now, it's been a year maybe going on two since I bothered. I'll still grab a Frosty here and there though.
Lord Alexandor
Posts: 248/418
So I was thinking...There isn't a way to "win" the McDonald's Monopoly game without going to restaurants in other states. Therefore, the horde of Xeogaming should descend upon this challenge and pool its vast resources (we live all over the US and Canada, right?) to win this so called "game" and split the earnings.

Here's how I see it working. We all post what tokens we have, as we get them. If we get a set, we put them together and split the winnings evenly with the participants. The goal is to get the big prize (Park Place and Boardwalk). If we get an item (cruise, car, etc) we sell it or get the cash value and split that.*

Anyway, I hope we can all do this. If we aren't in agreement, it'll cause legal trouble. IF we win, I suggest being sensible and being fair to everyone. What say you, members of Xeogaming?

*If we really want to, and can agree on it, we might just let someone have the prize.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - McDonald's Monpoly

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