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03-14-25 09:18 AM
0 users currently in Sunset Waterfall.
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Ow (Gnarly pic of my foot)
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Posts: 2999/3649
Posts: 8797/11758
That had to hurt like hell, jeeze.

Glad it's healing up, lol.
Posts: 6500/7838
It's been awhile thread.

It's looking a lot better. I can finally put pressure on my toe (Thankfully it's not broken) and it's slowly starting to grow back. God that day really sucked.

Not much else I can add on here. If you are working outside then please wear shoes.
Posts: 6417/7838
You know how some band-aid's hurt when you pull them off?

Imagine pulling it out from your big toe with no toenail on it.

I put a lot of Neosporin on it to help it heal faster. Also, I wrap my toe with light paper covered in petroleum jelly to help prevent infections.
True Flight
Posts: 4305/5245
well... just think when you see me again you'll have maybe a quarter of a toenail. lmao
Posts: 6409/7838
Well it's not like I did it on purpose or anything. (I know I know you were joking)

Posts: 6471/11918
Jesus fucking Christ do I hate when that happens. At least it's not as shitty as how my knee looked after falling on an escalator earlier this year. I bashed that shit open, got 8 stitches, and couldn't walk straight for a month.

Yeah, I guess getting rid of a hang-nail's a positive way of looking at it, but you wouldn't want to pop a zit shooting yourself in the face would you?
Posts: 6406/7838
I could be the next Homer Simpson and not even know it!
Posts: 1570/3416
Solving a problem with another problem!

I like how you think!
Posts: 6405/7838
Happened moments ago (Not Mind Safe I guess)

I got off work about 30 minutes ago. Dad needed help getting some 2X4's off of a truck. I was not wearing shoes.

Good news is that I had an ingrown Toenail there. NOW I DONT!

God fucking DAMNIT does it hurt

My dad was laughing so hard when I pulled the toenail out. He was like "Look on the bright side! At least you won't have to worry about your ingrown toenail! And it was free!"

lmao fuck you dad
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Ow (Gnarly pic of my foot)

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