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02-05-25 08:54 AM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The person below me
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Posts: 6758/11918
True. I have many friends who don't say that (and many friends who do). As craptastic as I dress, I have friends who are worse.

The person below me has been yelled at for taking pictures of something they apparently weren't allowed to (at least without asking anyway).
True Flight
Posts: 4382/5245
TRUE!!! You can have a lot more fun on a four wheeler!!!

The person below me has seen someone who had a friend that didn't say "Don't wear that" in public.
Posts: 6748/11918
True-ish. I'm a journalist and usually the most profound quotes make it into stories. I don't just randomly quote scholars, philosophers, and famous people, though.

The person below me would rather own an all-terrain vehicle than a jetski.
Posts: 184/201
True. It makes watching Flyers games quite the hassle.

The person below me likes using profound quotes.
Posts: 6745/11918
False, I'm pretty content to be awake and reading a few little stories.

The person below me doesn't have cable.
Posts: 179/201
False. None of my friends had seen it, but I made them watch it :3

The person below me wishes they were asleep right now.
Posts: 6743/11918
False, I don't hate him. I'm not fond of a few of his films, though.

The person below me has a favorite movie that none of his friends have seen.
Posts: 178/201
False. Never seen it. Don't plan on it, it sounds kinda boring.

The person below me hates M. Night Shyamalan.
Posts: 6729/11918
True and false. I'm sick, I woke up laying on my glasses (D'OH!!!) and had to take a university exit exam (plus the fact that there's a cockroach somewhere in my room and it crawled up my arm while I was sitting at my boyfriend's computer an hour ago), but then we went out for a nice meal at a Greek place in the OC and went to a Day of the Dead festival.

The person below me saw "Citizen Kane" and can't figure out why it's considered the greatest movie ever made.
Posts: 172/201
Oh, so true. Every time I see some guy propose at some kind of sporting event, I pray with all of my being that the girl says no.

The person below me had a bad day.
Posts: 6727/11918
True-ish. There's a convention I'm doing next weekend, but I'm more looking forward to the school week being over and I can go back to not writing papers right away.

The person below me despises cheesy wedding proposals.
Posts: 171/201
VERY false. The new My Chemical Romance songs are incredible, and my favorite band "released" a new song which is one of my favorites ever.

The person below me is looking forward to something this week.
Posts: 6726/11918
So true. So, so true.

The person below me loves the Duck Tales theme song more than any new song that came out this year.
Posts: 262/513
False, I hate them both.

The person below me wishes they where somewhere else then they are right now.
Posts: 6723/11918
False. And that's not an insult to your own personal cutie. I just don't want kids (at least not right now).

The person below me is passionate in the battle of Pepsi vs. Coke.
Posts: 261/513
True i love me some chips.

The person below me wishes they had a baby as cute as mine.
Posts: 6713/11918
Yep, that's true.

The person below me wishes he had a bag of chips.
Posts: 170/201

The person below me wishes they could turn back time.
Squire Vince
Posts: 1560/1586
Came close but didn't.

The person below me feels bad about something that's happened involving a friend.
Posts: 169/201
True. Very very very extremely true.

The person below me has cried today.
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Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - The person below me

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