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01-16-25 04:03 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Beer tasting of the gods
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Posts: 5649/9736
The meadery is called Mountain Meadows and the flavor is Spiced Nectar. It is a ginger and spice mead that has an awesome taste similar to spiced cider but different.

But yeah, Ben and I got to go for free since we went with his sister and her boyfriend who treated us. He apparently works in the industry and goes to things like this all the time. But yeah, it was great. Best part was that they had beer from one of the Trappist breweries (there are seven in the world, six in Belgium, one in the Netherlands. It was the Dutch one). Fucking amazing. Also found a beer that tasted like champagne and found an awesome acai berry wheat beer by Coopers that tasted great (yay for Australian beer that isn't Fosters!)

Posts: 8441/11757
What's the mead called? (if anything)
Posts: 2958/3649
Oh shit. How I envy you.

And for free?! Damn...
Posts: 5648/9736
So I am in San Diego right now at a beer tasting with over 150 breweries and 300+ types of beer. It is AMAZING! I even found the best mead I have ever had, and there are three hours left for this thing. And the best part? I didn't have to pay to go. My friends, life is good.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Beer tasting of the gods

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