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02-12-25 10:26 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - I need a custom title.
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Posts: 678/2746
So I guess I have to wait until 5:31 eastern time to get my custom title, as it is not yet showing up in edit profile.
Posts: 504/2746
Originally posted by Byte
Has one of the admins given you a custom title yet? If not then it's not going to be there, but if they did it should be there.

I dont know. Vulkar said it might be 1000 posts. Ill PM DarkSlaya.

EDIT: Okay, so I have the post count, but its either 500 posts + 6 months registration, or 1000 posts flat out. So, I have a couple weeks in order to fill the requirements, meaning that the competition is not over yet. You can beat me to the custom title. hahaha XD
Posts: 478/639
Has one of the admins given you a custom title yet? If not then it's not going to be there, but if they did it should be there.
Posts: 503/2746
Its definitely not there....
Posts: 477/639
No, you can. Once you get a custom title the option will appear in edit profile, then you can write whatever you want in the box.
Posts: 502/2746
Oh, I dont get to post it myself? I thought it would show up in edit profile..Hmmm.
Posts: 476/639
Just ask one of the admins. Since you've met the post requirements they should give it to you.
Posts: 501/2746

I'm trying to figure out how to make one, unless they bumped it to 1000 just to spite me..

But seriously, does anyone want to tell me how to make a custom title?
Posts: 475/639
Now that you have 500 posts. What's your custom title going to be?
Posts: 485/2746
Originally posted by Yasu
Rofl it might have something to do with i dont have internet all day like i do when im at home.

Psh. Nahhh.
Besides, i've been busy myself. I dont even come on anymore until very early morning when everyone else has dispersed. Like right now: One o'clock, not a poster to be seen anywhere.
Posts: 196/513
Rofl it might have something to do with i dont have internet all day like i do when im at home.
Posts: 475/2746
Originally posted by Yasu
Only a few more and I hit 200......FML

Complete carnage.

Although, I must say, activity sort of dropped again. I need keep a close eye on you guys

But so much as been going on, and its finally summer!!! Of course, this doesnt mean as much to all you older folks, but I am finally done with high school. Sweet.
Posts: 189/513
Only a few more and I hit 200......FML
Posts: 451/2746
50 more posts (49, after I post this) and I have a custom title!!!
Posts: 128/513
J'ai un petit garçon sur le chemin, et je dois dire que je suis vraiment heureux. Je vais poster des photos quand il est né.
Posts: 1438/1461
Lol, alright then. Don't go scaring me like that True. I want a family, just not yet.
Posts: 1196/3416
Yeah, Evo's got a boy.
True Flight
Posts: 4050/5245
Oh that must be Evo. I miss Evo. T_T The hubby says I post here way too much. XD
Posts: 1437/1461
Originally posted by True Flight
You know that title is awesome no matter how you look at it White Rose and welcome back Gaara and White Rose =P long time no see. How's the kid Rosey?

....I have a kid? That's news to me. I best go tell GuardianOni, he'll be surprised too.
Posts: 347/2746
I apologize for the spam. Haha. I just have a post count to uphold. But I think you need a new title, Rose. Something short and sweet. Something like "(insert awesome title here)"

Yeah. Classic.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - I need a custom title.

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