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03-11-25 03:14 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Adding Final Touches - MMA fight
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Posts: 2662/2785
I don't have issues since I really don't deal with the drama anywhere. Most of the people I watch on DA are other webcomic artists and my friends.
True Flight
Posts: 4030/5245
DA really bothers me sometimes. I'm not a big fan of them. After they started this whole crap about furries against everyone and the angsty teens on there. Don't let me go there about the angsty teens.
Posts: 2660/2785
Yeah, okay. I don't update FA as much as I do my webcomic and DeviantART.
True Flight
Posts: 4018/5245
Time to go watch someone =P
Posts: 2649/2785
I do. ShinobiOkami on FA.
True Flight
Posts: 3995/5245
I thought that was where you got it from. Got a FA account?
Posts: 2632/2785
It was taped live as I broadcasted on my live channel.
Posts: 201/2746
Haha. Thats pretty sweet. Goes well
As for the original video...that'd be too long.
Posts: 2631/2785
The song was audio replacement on YouTube, and is called "Anubis", so I had to use it even if it wasn't what I was looking for when I was doing audio replacement. The original video has no audio...well, the original original is one hour long and has my music playing.
Posts: 197/2746
Well, I think it is so far. Ill let you know what I think if I ever catch all the way up to you. Haha

As for the music, its not bad, but the only type of music I generally listen to without words if classical. And the Halo theme..
Posts: 2627/2785
I've had people tell me it's funny. I'm not sure if it is or not. I'm not trying to make it funny anymore. If it happens, it happens. Otherwise, it's just whatever I feel like my characters should be doing when I update.

Also, I keep rewatching my video because I like the song.
Posts: 195/2746
Hm. Well I will probably keep reading it just for fun. It seems like its funny. lol
Posts: 2625/2785
Yes, pity that whole shutting down the internet thing backfired on him, but he's still trying his darndest to be evil.

Too bad he's not as evil as he thinks he is.

The development of the characters changed a lot from Operation Thirteen, and a lot more than when I first started this comic almost two years ago.
Posts: 191/2746
I didnt get that far. Hahaha. I started on the one you reccomended in the bio or whatever. Where the guy starts to shut down the internet. Bu that sounds awesome. Haha
Posts: 2623/2785

The clone puppies can teleport too. Fix and Dongle teleport. And Scurvy. But, Puddlecub's the original teleporter. Pennies is the only time-traveler, though.
Posts: 189/2746
Haha. The puppies are my favorite part. Especially the teleporting one. I forget his name, though. Haha
Posts: 2621/2785
Thanks, I think it sucks, but that's just me.

It's supposed to be random. I have story arcs kind of, but not really. They're mostly just a pile of random. With puppies.
Posts: 183/2746
Welcome. I started looking at your webcomic, as well, and its pretty good. Random, but hey. Lol.
Posts: 2604/2785

Annoying thing is that I've got three more of these to finish at some point...
Posts: 152/2746
Holy crap, Stitch. That's really good. I like it.
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Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - Adding Final Touches - MMA fight

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