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02-05-25 07:45 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - XEOGAMING!!!!
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Posts: 110/513
I don't know but I like it.
Posts: 267/2746
Did this idea just go away forever?
Or is it on hold/still being considered?
Posts: 162/2746
Thats really cool, man. And since youre leaving: two things:

A) I will surpass you in posts! Mwahahaha!
B) I say we hold the summer shred fest as a going away present for you. XD
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3449/4541
Going on a mission trip for my church, xD. It pretty much means I'll get to call my family twice a year, recieve letters and e-mails, and avoid movies/video games/music for the whole time.

But I'm more than okay with it, because I'll be doing service work the entire time, for pretty much two years straight. It'll be challenging, but awesome.
Posts: 158/2746

Where are you going for two years, man?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3447/4541
Besides that...

I have to go on leave for about two years before Thanksgiving...
Posts: 148/2746
I like it, Katana. I see what you mean by keeping it Shredsgiving, but I think we need something in the summer. Even if its just something small to get the activity started, and then REALLY kick it off with Shredsgiving. The games and such seem like an awesome idea. If everyone's serious about this though, then we need to calloborate. We could use this thread for ideas and such, but I really think something small in the summer could draw in more people for the big event. This is definitely the way to get the board back on, and im loving the idea.

And the New Years awards are a good idea, too. That way its right after Shredsgiving and the activity boost, and it gives people a chance to see what everyone's got, especially if we draw in more noobs (which we definitely will). I really dont think we should have this all be last minute planning, though. If we're doing this, we're going all out. We need plans on competitions, game ideas, anything.
Posts: 2900/3649
Hmm....I'm definitely all ofr something like this as well. I would like to see it instituted more like Cairoi was saying though, the teams, games, etc....MUCH better than just going apeshit and posting randomly for a short time. At least with banner contests and such, it could lead to more long term activity. Simply posting back and forth I'm sure could get a little boring once in a while, but when it's sharing things like our talents, such as who can make the best layouts, who's known for writing the best stories, best artwork, best sim battler, etc...I guess it makes things a lot more interesting. Who knows, maybe I'm just talking out my ass here.

But in all honesty, I'm all for doing this around Thanksgiving. I think for fun, we could go nuts with the shredding we keep talking about, but to go to this sort of calibur, the contests, teams, games, etc, truthfully, I think we should make it a fall thing. I know it's a long time away, but think of it this way, make it longer. Like, end of September to around Thanksgiving. Every year. Like some sort of annual clockwork. THEN, in December, after this "Shredsgiving"(I know it's a working title) thing, we can kick off the Christmas season with the Xeogaming awards. Let that go on until just after New Year's, maybe, and then we kick off each New Year with announcing who won the awards, and such. Again, making that an annual deal as well. But that way, we can also work on creating some sort of cute button/banner for each award that the winner can proudly show off in their signatures, profiles, whatever, for that entire year (Or we make sure the actual year is in the button/banner, or something, that way they can keep it up all the time, and it doesn't have to be taken away by someone winning their award the following year.)

I have several other suggestions in mind, and more reasons why I'd be for seeing it done around that time of year, but I want to see some feedback first. As far as the awards go, I know it was brought up before, and someone said that it's annoying tallying up the me, I know. I did them the first year we did this. Everyone seems to forget that. (Haha, just messing but really, I know what you guys mean there.) But, if that's the only deterence, then I am most willing to do the awards. I can make it simpler, anyway, write down each award when we decide what we're voting on, and then each time I log on the board and see new posts, write down the names of people being voted for in each person's post. Then, in the VERY end, all I'd have to do is count how many times each person was voted for in each category, and BAM! We got the awards. Will prolly take me 5 minutes, tops, each time I count the new posts, and then in the VERY end, 5 minutes tops to count up who won, and PM them to Xeo or someone.

Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3442/4541
I am totally in.
Posts: 443/639
I'm all for another shred if everyone else is, but we should change to make it more summery haha. Maybe shredspendence day or the 4th of shreds.
Posts: 144/2746
I agree about the name, obviously. Haha. Shreds of July..? Meh.
But i think itd be a great idea to bring in the activity we're looking for. At least, I think we're looking for. I can never be sure with you guys
Anyway, so long as Xeo and such is okay with it, I think itd be a great idea. Even if I am just a noob..(am I still a noob? Hmm..)
Posts: 5582/9736
I would not oppose a revival of Shredsgiving... however I would revamp the name for a more summery feel.
Posts: 138/2746
Originally posted by Cairoi
Okay, this is an idea I proposed in the staff forum which I'm officially bringing out into the open. To promote activity, I'll be running an event from late October through November known as Shredsgiving (working title).

The purpose of Shredsgiving is simple: To pay thanks to the awesome board we've all been a part of for so many years. The best way to do that is to get as much activity as we can in as short amount of time as possible.

The main event of Shredsgiving will be The Big Race. Everyone willing to compete will be organized into a team. You will decide on a team name and banner, and you are suggested to promote as much team pride as possible. The point of the teams is this: Over the course of Shredsgiving, we will monitor your team's posting records. These posts will be tallied into one final count, and the team with the most points will be named the Kings and Queens of Shredding and win an as of yet unnamed Super Awesome Prize (Xeo, please PM me about this.)

During Shredsgiving, I will also host a series of games (hopefully one in every major forum) that will allow your team to accumulate "Bonus Posts". I will also award Bonus Posts to members who bring in more active members, create new schemes and banners or do something extraordinary for the board. Even if your team does not post the most, if you try 100%, you still can come out on top!

If you're interested (which I certainly hope everybody is!), please post here. The preliminary deadline for sign-ups is the 17th. Shredsgiving will most likely be from October 23-November 23, so even if you know you can't post some days, be sure to show your Xeogaming Pride!


I found it in JusticeRO and clicking on the link Cairoi provided. Granted, this idea is from two years ago, but why not now?! I think this would be a great way to get people much more involved, including the newer members that have slowly faded. Let me know what you think, and obviously, this would be up to staff (which is mainly everyone that posts but me. lmao), but I think it's a great idea. Its an awesome way to bring back the activity and draw in new members. This, ladies and gentlemen, is how we revive Xeogaming.

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - XEOGAMING!!!!

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