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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Awkward Neighbors
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Posts: 5678/11918
The women to the left of my house: Despite them saying that it's one woman living there with a lodger, everyone is pretty certain they're lesbians (they dress and look A LOT alike and drive trucks and have short mullet-like hair, etc.). And they're drama teachers. They have the makings of being awesome neighbors, but for a few crucial elements. They are tattle-taling, hypocritical super-cunts.

All we ever hear out of them is negative comments about other neighbors, or they call the city on people.

In the past they've told my parents when I've had people over (they threw a fit when I had a party and people were standing on our roof), they've complained every week since they moved in about our house being too noisy (they supposedly could hear me talking to people when we'd be sitting in my room with the window closed), and they've called the city when I had a fan in the window on really hot summer days because it looks tacky.

They've called the city whenever people paint their house a non-earth tone color, since our city has a law against other colors. They call the city if someone's dog barks too much. They call the city if there are oil stains on someone's driveway. They call the city if someone's tree drops too much flowers, seeds, pods, etc. And annoyingly, the city takes every single violation seriously.

They painted part of their house a dark purple (it's been unfinished for years). The city has come in and told them to paint their house and they've pretty much told them to fuck off. What the hell, Cerritos?

They also love to spread gossip and spread rumors like disease. A few years back when my cat disappeared, they also had a cat go missing, as did another cat in the neighborhood. They started spreading rumors that the new Asian family who moved in behind them was the ones who took them. To this day, it still makes me ache inside to think about my missing cat, especially in such a scenario.

Anyway... yeah, that's them.

The other neighbors around aren't so bad. The family behind us are Egyptian and talk VERY loudly to one another (the alleged lesbians have called the police on their dogs barking a couple times). Seems like they're almost always fighting about something. But around the holidays they leave bundles of cookies on the back wall for us.

I miss some of the people in the neighborhood, who've either moved out or died. Mrs. Sato was REALLY cool -- she was this elderly Japanese lady who used to love just talking with me and would bring over sweets and little gifts from time to time. She had a koi pond in her backyard and a bridge and a waterfall. She passed away a few years ago and her daughter's family lives there now.
Posts: 8333/11757
I live on a pretty bad street so they're kind of all over.

I feel a little worried and sorry for them, but it seems like 10-20 people live next door (and we're in a duplex). Our family feels crammed enough with 4 people here... so I dunno how they do it.
Posts: 2886/3649
Alright, so where I'm living now, isn't so bad, definitely compared to where I grew up...

But let's neighbors were always my family...I kid you not. I lived with my gram and pop and always several cousins or sisters at a time, right cross the street was my great-gram, my gram's sister and brother, and their assortment of children/grandchildren. A few doors down from them was my other grandfather, and back on my side of the street, right next door were my cousins, and some more of my cousins two doors down from THEM.

And up until I was 11 or so, every other house in the near vacinity were all people who grew up there and lived there their entire lives, and everyone knew each other. Yada yada yada. With that said....NO ONE fights like family does. Especially with a veteran's post/bar across the street from me that my family ran.

The cops were there so often due to family fights that my gram and great-gram got to know them and never sent them away without feeding them and even bandaging any nicks or scratches from breaking up any of the incidents. Hell, two of the usual cops went to the grade school up the block and my great-gram was their crossing guard! So SHE even went as far as to call their mothers to tell them they were alright! Yeah, I have PLENTY of weird neighbor stories.
Posts: 1110/3416
Nah, this is one of the ones that hits a gray zone that's in between Crazy and General, it works in both in my book.
Posts: 90/2746
Also, this should probably have gone in Crazy Corridor, Vince. Off topic, but yeah.
Posts: 8/9
Alright, I have the DUMBEST kid in my neighborhood. but he is responsible for saying "Shit man, this shit be bangin as shit" ---Also, I see him fall on his skateboard ALL the time.
Posts: 20/201
When I was little, I accidentally hit a baseball over my friend's fence, and when I went over to get it (I didn't bother asking since we were relatively close friends), I happened upon him being a giant arc on the wall of his house, looking very excited. o.o
Posts: 6/9
This is just a short reply. There is a large black man that ran down the street screaming "If you ever come back I am going to eat you"

On top of that there is this girl that walks around and SCREAMS at the TOP of her lungs
Posts: 15/201
Oh, I have a story.

So, it was the night of December 26, 2000. I remember this because, due to this incident, we only lived in this apartment for 9 months, so it had to be that year. So, it was the day after Christmas, and I was all excited because I had gotten a super cool new hockey net as one of my presents. We had these really noisy upstairs neighbors, the guy's name was Ted, that's all I can remember. Now, you need to understand about Ted. He was like 6'6", at least 250 lbs., pure white trash. So they were having a party upstairs, very very loud, and very very late. Like, this is around 1 a.m. I was 8 years old at the time, and the party upstairs was keeping me awake. Naturally, my dad was pissed. So he decided that it would be prudent to slam the box for my new hockey net (with net still inside, so it was quite dense) on the ceiling. This provoked the very drunk, very large Ted to come down, knock on our door, and attempt (drunkenly, and therefore, failing) to attack/murder my father. Then, when we had no choice but to break our lease early because of several more incidents with him, he tried to pick a fight on the day we were moving, while my 4 also large, and heavily armed (our family likes guns) uncles were there. Luckily, no one was shot, but there's my crazy neighbor story.
Posts: 86/2746
I dont really have any awkward neighbors. I have really annoying ones. This one kid across the street mustve failed senior year a dozen times and then dropped out is always working on his junky car with his other druggy friend. Theyre always getting high and working on their car at, like, one in the morning. Its just really annoying. Theyre another reason I cant sleep at night.
Posts: 10/201

Uhh...I don't have any, but I could tell stories about my friend Nate's awkward neighbors!
Posts: 1105/3416
Originally posted by Kyoku kun
My friend was over and we happened to be lying downstairs. She was lying down and I kind of jumped on her randomly. We were in a just suggestible position and my neighbor knocked on the door to bring back the garlic she borrowed.

I want neighbors like this.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 1152/1329
I'm assuming you got this idea from KassemG's newest video?

I don't really have any awkward neighbors. I know all of my 85 other neighbors names, their kids names, and pets. But I've had really awkward moments.

My friend was over and we happened to be lying downstairs. She was lying down and I kind of jumped on her randomly. We were in a just suggestible position and my neighbor knocked on the door to bring back the garlic she borrowed.

It was exactly midnight. I love my neighbors.
Squire Vince
Posts: 7/1586
This is a post where you tell us of awkward and strange neighbors. Get to it!
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Awkward Neighbors

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