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02-05-25 06:49 AM
0 users currently in General Chat.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Whatever happened to being social?
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Posts: 2798/3649
Being social is for cool people. We're all nerds here.

Definitely could go for more activity here. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, in which I will not divulge until I am ready to execute them.
Posts: 7/2746
Why, thank you. And possibly. It can never hurt
I originally joined this site to start an RP Cairoi started up, but it doesnt seem like anyone does anymore..?
Posts: 1049/3416
Hello to you as well!

I've never been much of a thread starter but I'm sure that if others made a few here and there then activity would definitely go up. Maybe it's about that time for me to start doing my part...?
Posts: 6/2746
I would just like to take the time to say hello to all.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Whatever happened to being social?

AcmlmBoard 1.92++ r4 Baseline
?2000-2013 Acmlm, Emuz, Blades, Xkeeper, DarkSlaya*, Lord Alexandor*
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