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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - I almost bought an iPod.
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Posts: 16/39
Originally posted by Xeu
Oh well I know about that. , I just wish you didn't have to actually drag them unto the player and could just throw everything on it like an external drive, then the player could actually just read a list of Folders.

But, it's gotta be complicated!

gah, now I'm happy I haven't bought it.
Posts: 2714/3649
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
I'm happy with Zunes. It's easy to use, but are also a bit big. However, that doesn't bother me.

They've made 'em smaller. GameStop used to...(or still does?) sell 'em. I haven't seen any in any stores in my district in a WHILE....

But yeah...mp3 players are mp3 players to me. I'm not using iPod or Zune atm, but I'd much rather use my SD cards for my video games....and it just so happens, my boyfriend found this thing where if he buys an iPod through something going on in his school, which will cost 100 bucks, he gets that 100 bucks credited to him next semester toward tuition.

Since he pays tuition out of pocket as well as loans, he's nice enough to offer to buy the iPod and give it to me. No real loss or gain for him. Technically, it's a free iPod.

But I said in the 300 buck thread...I'm cheap as hell. I wouldn't pay for something just for the name. Now, don't get me wrong, if I didn't know better, and didn't have ANY type of mp3 player, I probably would have bought an iPod.
Posts: 5356/9736
Of course it does, it's made by Apple.
Posts: 8113/11758
Oh well I know about that. , I just wish you didn't have to actually drag them unto the player and could just throw everything on it like an external drive, then the player could actually just read a list of Folders.

But, it's gotta be complicated!
Posts: 5352/9736
No, you can't look by folder. The songs appear in the list like all the rest, however if you have it set to show it you can have it show Genre, Artist, and Album at the top and sort by that.

For example, here is mine.
Posts: 8108/11758
Originally posted by Elara
You can drag and drop. You just open iTunes and the music folder (with music folder smaller) and drag individual album folders onto the iTunes window to start importing

How does the actual player view them then though? You can't really look by "folder" or anything.
Posts: 3316/3807
Originally posted by Seijika
I got an iPod Shuffle, which I got for Xmas. I didn't want it then I put a Kyonko skin on it. YAY!

Product line I dislike? Hmm. Ubisoft games lolol. Can't really think of much.

Beyond Good and Evil was made by Ubisoft. Poop on you.

I like ipods. I think the iphone is overhyped, but so is everything else in our rampant consumerist culture.

I try not to bring attention to brand names and try to get the best product I "need" for the best price.

Posts: 5350/9736
You can drag and drop. You just open iTunes and the music folder (with music folder smaller) and drag individual album folders onto the iTunes window to start importing
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1691/1779
The whole deal about not being able to drag and drop is a reason why I'm happy with Zunes. It's easy to use, but are also a bit big. However, that doesn't bother me.
Posts: 2583/2999
I got an iPod Shuffle, which I got for Xmas. I didn't want it then I put a Kyonko skin on it. YAY!

Product line I dislike? Hmm. Ubisoft games lolol. Can't really think of much.
Posts: 5452/11918
I got an iPod Shuffle for Christmas a few years ago. Though I don't use it all the time, I'm finding it rather useful in providing non-skipping music during the tedious moments in life (waiting in line, riding on the bus, etc).

As for a particular product line I hate for whatever reason... I guess I'll go with American Apparel. Ick...

Still, though. They made the shirts for the Iron Man 2 panel, and those are the friggin' softest shirts I've ever felt. Yep, you feel sinful wearing them.
Posts: 8102/11758
I luckily got an iPod for Christmas last year. That said, I absolutely can't stand iTunes at all. I can see how some would like it but when you've got gigs of music already organized via folders, I wish I could just simply drag and drop them unto the player like an external drive or whatever. Throwing my anime folder on there was probably the scariest thing I've ever done, the kanji, the artists, hundreds of random songs are still in there untitled, etc, it was a horrifying mess. All that would've been fine if you could just drag and drop folders without it doing anything!
Posts: 14/39
Oh god, McDonald's. Here in Quebec, they also serve poutine.

God the price is (or was, haven't had one in forever) horrible. Truly horrible.
Posts: 5348/9736
Gas, lol.

Seriously though, I think that the iPod line is kinda overpriced, but otherwise I do like the product and find them useful. As for other things, it isn't so much specific products that I dislike as it is things that I feel we get ripped off over... like gas, food, internet, etc.

Oh...wait... and McDonald's. That's right, you pay out your nose for that crappy burger.
Posts: 9/39
Thank god, they were sold out on iPod Touch, I would've felt dirty for years to come.

Do you guys have any product line you happen to dislike for whatever reasons (i.e price vs. what is offered, etc)?
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - I almost bought an iPod.

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