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02-05-25 06:51 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - North Korea planning to nuke the U.S. imperialists of Hawaii
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Posts: 5353/11918
It's almost like the ending to Watchmen... unite everyone against something else.

We're "pressing restart" on our relationship with Russia, China's buying our debt, and neither of them are too happy about this flaming bag of shit on their front porch.
Posts: 5301/9736
South Korea was hacked as well, but cannot prove North Korea did it.

I highly doubt it will be ignored. Just like I disagree that Obama is a pacifist. However, since we already have a war in Iraq and Afghanistan left over from the Bush years I highly think it would be smart to NOT open a third warfront. Ever heard of stretched too thin? If we can solve this without declaring war on them then good. Honestly, the rest of the world might actually take care of the problem for us since North Korea is currently pissing off everybody.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3312/4541
There might be stuff we don't know about, but regardless, if North Korea wants to steal our secrets, that's a clearly offensive act. They aren't treading carefully, they're actively and deliberately saying that they want to attack us, and they're working hard on the technology to do so.

If they succeed, it'll be worse for them than for us, but it'll still be bad.
Posts: 2704/3649
I may sound like one who thinks everything is a conspiracy, so be kind to my words please, because I'm not.

But, there's always more.


For the simple fact, and I'm sure our military personel here will agree with me, but there are just some things that say, a very small handful in our country know and will ever know. It's like that all around the world. It's how its run.

And that's okay with me. There are just some things that would freak me out unless I had a doctorate degree in oh, quantum physics? And for what? For all the threats that have been made...issues that have come up, that never even happened?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 3310/4541
North Korea apparently did a little bit more thn launch a few failed bombs...

Yeah, North Korea is small, but they're feeling far more ambitious than I think they should. Let's remember, everyone, that the last time we ignored a threat, we lost the twin towers.

For those who don't want to read the article, apparently then the websites for the Treasury Department, Secret Service, Federal Trade Commission and Transportation Department were all hacked and taken down in a search for top secret information. We aren't sure if it definitely was NK yet, as a group of sympathizers in SK or China are also suspected. However, given the timing, I think that North Korea is the most likely.

If North Korea is guilty, though, they're posing for a war. If they're a threat, ignoring them is going to do nothing more than allow them a better position from which to attack us.

And given Obama's pacifist tendencies, I thnik that's exactly what's going to happen.
Posts: 830/3416
Originally posted by Elara
Ha! Well, he is. Cue the music from Team America: World Police.

Duly noted.

Posts: 5299/9736
Ha! Well, he is. Cue the music from Team America: World Police.

Posts: 5344/11918
So North Korea did fire several ballistic missiles in the direction of Hawaii that didn't make it anywhere, but they didn't shoot off their intercontinental one they've been working on.

Joe Biden said the White House is trying not to give Kim Jong Il the attention he's seeking.

Haha, our vice president called North Korea's leader an attention-whoring drama queen.
Posts: 8029/11758
Dumbest shit I've ever heard in my life.

But seriously, I dunno what to say other than "great". Blows my mind how stupid people are.
Posts: 827/3416
I bet it's all a diversion, while we're protecting Hawaii with everything we've got, boom, there goes the White House.

EDIT: Also, way to fight global warming Kim Jong-Il. Jerk.
Posts: 5341/11918
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
Now, since it's likely it won't make it that far, Japan or South Korea are probably more likely targets.

Indeed. He's calling the United States the aggressors and feels that if the U.N. is going to come in and tell him what he can and can't do with that nuclear flag he's been waving at the rest of the world, he's going to attack.

From some of the articles I've read he says he wants China to have a problem in its own backyard.

Odds are, if he can't make it or if the U.S. does blow those missiles away before they can reach the islands, he'll change up his target.

Hawaiians react.

That AP article used to be titled "North Korea threatens Obama birthplace with nukes," but I don't know why they changed it.

Anyway, it is true. Obama's a Hawaiian and I'm sure he'd be damned if he let an unhinged dictator (who's still recovering from last year's stroke) destroy his homeworld. Heh, maybe it'd make him even more like Superman?
Posts: 2533/2999
Originally posted by Cyro Xero
Now, since it's likely it won't make it that far, Japan or South Korea are probably more likely targets.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1678/1779
Now, since it's likely it won't make it that far, Japan or South Korea are probably more likely targets.
Posts: 5295/9736
Why is North Korea provoking us? Isn't that kind of stupid? Yes, let's provoke the country with the huge military and lots of bases nearby, and on top of that, let's do it in a way that will have the rest of the world pissed at us as well so they will all gang up on us. Oh yeah, great idea.

I doubt it would make it that far before interception... but just in case I will make a note to not go to Hawaii any time soon.
Posts: 5340/11918
All right, I don't know why this hasn't been brought to the Xeogaming discussion table yet, but for those who didn't hear, North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il and his son who's pretty much sitting in for him have declared they will launch a nuke in the direction of Hawaii around the 4th of July.

The U.S. has elevated its defenses around there, but most don't think the nuke would even make it that far.

Your thoughts?
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - North Korea planning to nuke the U.S. imperialists of Hawaii

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