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02-07-25 12:01 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - King of the Hill's contract not getting renewed
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Posts: 550/684
Originally posted by Rogue

Seriously, Simpsons has been hit and miss lately, with their parodies being too cartoonish to really stab at something. I mean, even Family Guy will name something off by its title as opposed to making a silly pseudonym for it.

Even when Simpsons do musical parodies, it sounds like they use same songs, just with different lyrics and slight changes here and there. Little variation. Like Danny Elfman's run out of steam.

King of the Hill's latest episodes have actually addressed real things and made fun of them. The last episode knocked people who spend too much time on MySpace.

The episode where they knocked on hipsters hit the nail right on the head too.

I agree. I have been watching last week's episode but it doesn't really hit me much though but I do enjoy most of the episodes. The characters in most episodes started to be more active than the last seasons.
Posts: 4840/11918
Originally posted by avatar of law
It's like fox wants its own entire channel to be cancled or something. King of the Hill is a million times better than the Simpsons. Cancle that shit already.

Seriously, Simpsons has been hit and miss lately, with their parodies being too cartoonish to really stab at something. I mean, even Family Guy will name something off by its title as opposed to making a silly pseudonym for it.

Even when Simpsons do musical parodies, it sounds like they use same songs, just with different lyrics and slight changes here and there. Little variation. Like Danny Elfman's run out of steam.

King of the Hill's latest episodes have actually addressed real things and made fun of them. The last episode knocked people who spend too much time on MySpace.

The episode where they knocked on hipsters hit the nail right on the head too.
avatar of law
Posts: 485/486
so fox chose the cleveland show over king of the hill. REALLY?!

It's like fox wants its own entire channel to be cancled or something. King of the Hill is a million times better than the Simpsons. Cancle that shit already.
Posts: 4832/11918
It's hard to explain why this strikes me as tragic.

Yeah, I dislike Lucky too, but he does have his positives. He balances out Luann with a certain sensibility (odd as that sounds regarding a character designed to be "white trash"). That and he's voiced by Tom Petty.

Whoever's been writing Dale lately has had some mental gems:

Regarding Bill's being considered AWOL for neglecting his army duties and spending all of his time and money on a terrible, all-male chorus: "This is the feces that gets produced when shame eats too much stupidity!"

"I blame the media blamers!"

Anyway... I'm really going to miss it. It was one of the few shows where people to a certain degree "grew up," even just in thinking.
Posts: 64/77
I never got to watch much of it, but it was hilarious when I watched.

"Bobby, you failed English?
You SPEAK English."

Sucks that I didn't get to watch more of it.
Posts: 2366/2999
Like the others, though, King of the Hill's quality was going down along with the years. I compare the old ones to the new ones, it just isn't the same anymore. A little too corny sometimes, I guess. *shrug*

And Lucky. I hate Lucky.

Either way, King of the Hill was good subtle, mellow humour. It was quite funny (mostly in older(ish) episodes like just previously mentioned).
Posts: 4831/11918

I'm surprisingly very sad about this. Seriously King of the Hill was evolving into a great family comedy.

Not to knock the other shows, but Simpsons and Family Guy can duke it out all they want over who's top banana. King of the Hill was usually pretty consistent with its quiet success.

It's a real shame.
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - King of the Hill's contract not getting renewed

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