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03-13-25 07:15 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gunbound Classic Returns!
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Posts: 5916/7838
Originally posted by Xeu
lmao, yeah wow

Well I might look into this myself ... but you guys know how things go when I say that.

I played some of regular Gunbound awhile back, it always felt pretty one-sided all the time. But I probably just sucked.

Its fun sucking, trust me.

Whenever someone gets really lucky, lulz are at hand.
Posts: 7589/11758
lmao, yeah wow

Well I might look into this myself ... but you guys know how things go when I say that.

I played some of regular Gunbound awhile back, it always felt pretty one-sided all the time. But I probably just sucked.
Posts: 2057/2724
Xeo, it's not using normal Gunbound music. Do try and keep up with the thread, hm?
Posts: 7588/11758
Dude, Korean game music is hilariously awesome. How dare you GM.
Posts: 2056/2724
Originally posted by God Mode
Not dissing the music, but any way to turn it off? Besides turning off the speakers?

Open the Options menu (Esc. in game) and you can adjust the BGM and sound effect volume there. I'd think, though I haven't checked, that you can mute it there too.
Posts: 7587/11758
WARNING: Completely off topic:

Originally posted by Astrophel
Deus Ex)...

Best game ever.

Posts: 5913/7838
Just played three rounds, won only one, but meh, I think I have the hang of Gunbound for the time being.

The music is rather interesting. I never played any of the Persona games out there, but its alright.

Not dissing the music, but any way to turn it off? Besides turning off the speakers?
Posts: 2055/2724
Alright, well, tonight I've got some other games I'll be playing (Neverwinter Nights, Deus Ex)...

Gywall's only on before 6PM EST, since he's in England. He's generally a pretty easy opponent, though.

He's also gonna be pissed when he finds out I said that. In fact, he'll be so mad he'll try to shoot me.

He'll miss, but he'll try anyway.
Posts: 5911/7838

That's why you play on Avatar Off.


I'll IM the other players and start up a match tonight if they feel like it. Or play against other people, who knows.

I need a bit to remember how everything works. But I was -OK- at this game.
Posts: 2054/2724
Originally posted by God Mode
I tried playing the main Gunbound servers, but only people who could pay for it would be the real victors 10:1 chances. Basically it was more power than balance
That's why you play on Avatar Off.

Granted, I dont know the lingo, and I don't think Chev will explain it to me, so someone else will so I dont look like an idiot playing.

Bunge: Kill by dropping the target into a hole.
Avatar Off: Servers where most stats on your avatar don't have an effect - the only one that does is the one that gets you more gold.
Avatar On: Servers where all the stats work.

Any others are either obvious or not coming to mind immediately.

Also, Gunbound Classic doesn't use any real money for items at all, unlike the official servers.

Edit: Updated LE roster on first post.

Edit2: Added AIM names, so you can contact us for a match.
Posts: 5909/7838
I tried playing the main Gunbound servers, but only people who could pay for it would be the real victors 10:1 chances. Basically it was more power than balance

I think I will give this a try however. It has been awhile since I have played it, and I am not posing saying "Oh, I would like to try this out". I am being for real, Gunbound is a fun game, and this looks like fun.

Granted, I dont know the lingo, and I don't think Chev will explain it to me, so someone else will so I dont look like an idiot playing.

Or...whatever, Ill sign up tomorrow. I got some videos to upload.
Posts: 2053/2724
Originally posted by Ryan
I played the official Gunbound for a short while... Never really understood it while playing, since the different weapons didn't do too much and I didn't understand why I couldn't use some of them in certain situations...

Assuming you mean items, how much they do is all a matter of knowing when to use them. Make it easy on yourself and copy me and Gywall - one Dual, one Heal+ (if playing Tag, otherwise a second Dual), and one Teleport.

As for why you couldn't use them, it's a matter of field effects (or whatever Gunbound calls them). Sometimes, no one can use items.

Personally, I prefer the "lasers are added to your attacks" effect.

If it was your attacks, you can only use the SS every few rounds. I'll try to teach you a bit more sometime.
Posts: 1580/1748
I played the official Gunbound for a short while... Never really understood it while playing, since the different weapons didn't do too much and I didn't understand why I couldn't use some of them in certain situations...

However you've got me interested and I think I'll give it a try again.
Posts: 2052/2724

For those who don't know about Gunbound... someone else can describe it.

Gunbound Classic has all avatars set to cost 1 gold (although there are some rare ones, like Gywall's wings), so even I play Avatar On once in a while. There was a recent music change that's slowly growing on me, I think someone said it was from Persona 3...

As you may or may not know, Gunbound Classic had closed for a while. That said, your old account is still there, if you had one.

The important part is, Lunar Eclipse is there, and all Xeogamers are welcome. Just apply and PM me here with your GBC name so I know who it is. Since Gywall and I almost exclusively play AIM-organized matches, joining LE and/or contacting me in AIM is about the only way you'll ever get into a game against me.

LEclipse Memberlist:

Main Mobiles: Bigfoot, Grub, Nak
Habits: Bunge whore. Has even bunged with Grub's shot 2.
AIM: BlademageCheveyo, ThexareBlademoon
Got what may have been the first Double Kill after the server restarted, using Lightning for a double bunge.

Main Mobiles: Turtle, Ice, Bigfoot
Habits: Saves his Teleports. Occasionally uses the wrong item.
AIM: GtGywall
Has an annoying tendency to turn my teleports into death.

Main Mobiles: Ice
Habits: Beats me. No, I don't mean that I don't know.
AIM: shadowknight174
Warning: Do not pursue him.

We generally only play matches that we organize in AIM, since as always there's a lot of non-English speakers, one of those things that just annoys me.
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gunbound Classic Returns!

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