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03-11-25 01:04 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Far Cry 2
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Posts: 7733/11758
Yeah, seriously. Even on consoles (which some should stop whining about in regards to the controls) Auto-Aim never helps. Really sucks when you're trying to snipe in CoD4.
Posts: 7/7
I agree about the auto-aim assist. That was the first thing I noticed.. I'm never using auto-aim in any game.
And I really cant see any reason to use it either
Posts: 7732/11758
Yeah, I've warmed up to it a little bit today. It's just taking some time getting used too.

That's what I've heard though from reviews and whatnot, the game just takes a little time to get into. It is nice slowly buying new weapons and seeing my safehouses getting upgraded.

There does seem to be a LOT of travelling though...

At first I thought the controls and the general "feel" of the game was pretty bad, but I noticed turning the Aim-Assist off really helped make it feel a little more natural (360 version at least). Oddly enough turning that off has just made it easier for me to control and kill enemies.
Posts: 6/7
Originally posted by Xeu
I'm honestly not sure if I like it.

I felt the same at first. But then again I was expecting another CoD4
Once you start to get somewhere in the game, its actually quite fun. I like it how your buddies can save you sometimes when you die.

The only thing I don't like is the traveling distances on some missions. :/
Posts: 7731/11758
I'm honestly not sure if I like it.
Posts: 1518/1569

Yeah, I've been playing it and HOLY FUCK this game is awesome. Only complaint, I was supposed to pop this guy to finish a mission I was given. Now by this time my trusty sniper rifle has had around 180 rounds through it and killing unfortunate africans. I sight in on the guys head and pull the trigger, the weapon jams I go to clear it and set up my shot again. I pull the trigger again and the gun explodes in my hands alerting everyone around that some faggot was trying to shoot their boss....Sooooooooooooo I was visciously murdered by about 30 guys with automatic weapons.

Other then that its fucking awesome
Posts: 7569/11758
Ah, well I liked the original but didn't really care for Predator. It was way more linear. Both were just alright though I guess, but Far Cry 2 here looks pretty epic.
Posts: 2263/2999
Yeah, I played the very first one for PC. It was fun, but I couldn't really get into as much as I would have liked to.
Posts: 7568/11758
Originally posted by Launcher Octopuld
The first Far Cry was alright. This however, looks very cool. That level editor looks stunning, which is enough to win my opinion. Count me in.

Which one did you play? It should just be noted that the 360 one (Predator), is a completely different game compared to the first PC one, which was way more open and all around better. But yeah, this just looks miles better than any previous Far Cry.
Posts: 2261/2999
The first Far Cry was alright. This however, looks very cool. That level editor looks stunning, which is enough to win my opinion. Count me in.
Posts: 7567/11758
Immerse yourself in the world of Far Cry ...


Your guns age, get dirty, can jam, and eventually explode.
Cars can break down and need to be fixed.
Every action is in-game animated.
You'll need to heal yourself.
You'll sometimes need to do extreme healing like snapping a bone back in place, pulling out a chunk of lead in your arm, etc.
Posts: 7536/11758
Well with Far Cry Predator (it had a level editor too), all user made maps were actually free too. If MS does make the user maps cost something like they did with the new Unreal, I'll be royally pissed.

Ubisoft > Epic Games.

I still find it hard to believe the Dunia engine (think that's what this one is called) and Cry Engine are two completely different engines, from the same company. And they're both just crazy.
Posts: 5862/7838
I am surprised the Xbox360 version is doing it. Is it for Self purposes? Or is it going to be shared to Xbox users (Like map sharing on XBox live)? Not trying to diss it or anything, but Microsoft is baaaad about stuff like this from what experience tells me. I know Unreal was having those problems, which is why the PS3 version was made first. Looks like that problem was solved.

But yeah, the Developers are starting to look at creativity more than actual gameplay. Which is a good thing, there are alot of people out there who are good at this stuff.

I'm definitely going to pick this up when its out there. I love making fort (Facing) maps on FPS games.

Posts: 1572/1748
It's stuff like this that makes me wonder why map editting for most games is either difficult but almost limitless (Unreal or Source mapping), or easy to use but very limited (Timesplitters).

Absolutely stunning graphics and the editor would be the best one ever for a console.
Posts: 7534/11758
So I don't know if anyone is keeping up with this game, but it looks like it'll pretty much be one of the greatest FPS's of all time.

It's being fully developed for the consoles too, 360 and PS3. The demostration above showing off the level editor is from the 360 version, which is pretty funkin' insane, you'd think only the PC could handle that.

Yeah. This game. Epic.
Xeogaming Forums - Gaming Discussion - Far Cry 2

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