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02-06-25 11:04 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Ha ha... I'm Pissed... Oh Wow
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True Flight
Posts: 3408/5245
well that blew over faster than I thought... Over due bills are a part of my life sometimes... ugh.. it's not like they go three months with out getting paid.

ANYWHO I sent her a text yesterday and she APOLOGIZED! O_o the world is about to end
avatar of law
Posts: 478/486
1. Why do you have over due bills? Be more responsible.
2. If you're in a financial jam, now's not the time to have guests over. That person should have arranged their own living quarters, BEFORE coming over. You shouldn't have to put up with that kinda crap.
3. It's your house, so do something about it. You're an adult now, so you're allowed to yell at people. Take reign of your own affairs, and stay strong.
Posts: 1471/1569
You've still got my number if you want to talk to someone "real" in that regard.

Also, sit her down or direct her to this post.

She might understand you if she see's what you feel.
Posts: 5837/7838
Originally posted by One Shot One Kill
I'm so pissed right now. I have a lot on my plate right now. I have my friends around me lying to my face and leaving others that depended on them. Friends are having problems with other issues as well. I can't believe this week. I want this weekend to be over...

I really would not worry about him to be honest. He has his own life he has to fulfill. If he can look at himself in the mirror for what he has done to me and Shunnyshunn, then more power to him. Hope he can rest at night knowing he just completely turned on his best friends all for some bitch in Atlanta.

Your sister? She, right now, just wants attention. You have more freedom then she does, so she thinks that she can grasp it I suppose. Its your house, so its your rules.

Plus I hate it when people say "Pay me back" or "Remember I did *This and this* for you. People like that should really respect people better.
True Flight
Posts: 3406/5245
I'm so pissed right now. I have a lot on my plate right now. I have my friends around me lying to my face and leaving others that depended on them. Friends are having problems with other issues as well. I can't believe this week. I want this weekend to be over... It's been a week from hell. Not only that but I have my sister over like crazy now because she "has nothing better to do."

So sister here means someone I can rant to right? WRONG! My sister pissed me off royaly. I wanted to kick her ass today because I was that pissed. Here's the story:

I'm sitting around and my supervisor puts me in for permanent. The thing about going from temporary to perm means that you're going to have to undergo a credit check. Soooo I've bounced a couple checks from my mother's taxes. Didn't mean for that to happen... at all. Then there's the fact that I have gone past due on a couple of bills as well. I really need to let this off of my chest, and someone from the Airborne unit in Ft. Bragg comes down to Columbus to see one of his best friends graduate. SUPRISE WE'RE COMING TO YOUR HOUSE! So I'm like... okay... that's alright. I can still talk to my best friend... my sister. No... She's too fixated on the guys at our house. I fucking hate people who have no fucking clue. But I hide it so well I guess.... It pisses me the fuck off when my sister does this.

So I point out that I'm pissed. I moved out because I needed to get away from her and get some privacy, but alas this isn't going to happen with her up my ass all the time. And she was like "*scoff* I AM NOT!" I pissed her off when I pointed it out to her infront of the guy she is very interested in. Another thing that pisses me off is that she is so fucking selfish. She goes and has sex IN MY GOD DAMN HOUSE! WTF! This is the third fucking time. I'm not taking this anymore. I'm in tears. I don't want to tell her she's no longer welcome in my house, but things are just going to have to be that way if she continues on this path. "Well I bought you this... or I did this for you." doesn't add up anymore...
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - Ha ha... I'm Pissed... Oh Wow

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