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02-15-25 06:40 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - What's the in-between?
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Posts: 5864/7838
What's wrong with doing both? Its not like you are forced to make one decision and stick with it. I really dont see a problem here in my opinion.

Sometimes I stay at home, play games, post, etc. But other times I like to spend time with my friends. Nothing wrong with dropping the controller, or saying "Not today" to one of your friends. Just do whatever you want to do, that is life for you.

You can also try volunteering like what I am doing. Calling up family members and just doing odd chores. Sure it does not sound like fun, but it makes you feel more alive. At least, that is how I feel when I do positive things.
Posts: 2518/3649
**shrugs** Paritishion put it nicely.

Just do what you want.**shrugs** Don't define something as going out or staying in. If you're in the mood for something, then just do it.

However, I think I know what you're getting at...about that "in-between" kinda thing. Correct me if I've got it all wrong, by all want to do something other than choice A, or choice B, but you don't want to do something that involves HAVING to be at a certain place at 6:00pm every Wednesday evening.

I think I may have achieved that "in-between" myself, if I am understanding correctly, and again, your correction is expected, since this is merely a suggestion meant to help you anyway...

Imerse yourself in something. For me, it started in the beginning of the summer as being so fed up with my present academic situation that I was willing to change my entire career plan around. I disovered an art school, investigated it, and found out that it could very well be a wise gate-way into my dream anyway, and if not, still lead to something exciting and something that I would love to do with my life anyway. I then took the tour, got the interview and acceptance into the school. Who knew I was actually good enough to get in.

But anyway, now I find myself getting into this. Just art in general. I still wanna do something in film, special effects maybe, but for fun, I've been getting into other things too. When I'm "inside"(because realistically, you're physically either inside or out. ) I've been concocting all sorts of ideas, for comics, future projects, movie ideas...I've read books (fun books, not Dr. Phill-this-is-the-only-way-to-accomplish-things books) on film...anything to do with the making of it. Basically just to extend my knowledge on certain subjects, and now my head is always spinning. Something exciting has always been going on in my mind lately. This also affects how I look at things outside too...I can hardly look at advertizements without seeing the pixels that make up the ad, without thinking of the placement, the color, and mapping out in my mind whether or not I think it's a successful piece of advertizement, and WHY it is successful.

I still have to go to work a lot, and I still do things like play video games, go on the computer, go out with friends/family. That sort of thing is kind of unavoidable. No matter what, we all socialize with others, and we also need to do what relaxes us from time to time....but...I'm also always excited. I'm excited about starting this school, excited about the fact that I get to do a lot of the advertizing in my store now (it's kinda like practice now. ) I'm really just into this kind of thing. It feels like I'm doing more than going to work and relaxing when I'm home, and then going out on my days off. It's really hard to explain, the feeling, but life doesn't feel too mundane anymore...

So, if my description is accurate to what you are's more of an inner kind of mentality than an outter. No one can MAKE you see things from a certain perspective and excite yourself over what you're seeing. **shrugs**
Posts: 3113/3807
Originally posted by Asmodai
Yes, going out or staying in. When you define everything in absolutes like that - make everything black and white - you will always only have two choices.

Yeah, basically, man, calm down. You're like trying to live in a Breakfast Club mindset where everything's locked in a role.


I go out with friends and have fun, I stay in and watch movies, I swim, I go to the comic book store. Nobody perfectly fits a stereotype unless they try to.
Posts: 4539/11918
I guess I'm in the same boat of social confusion.

A massive chunk of my friends are stoners. Not being a drug-user myself, I sometimes feel like they're all a part of this club with a secret handshake and have built a rapport with one another as well as shady acquaintances who'll smoke weed no matter whose it is and I end up feeling left out.

I'm not willing to compromise my ideals to feel less ostracized, despite the pressure being on with how many non-smoking friends have suddenly decided they want to partake from now on.

Anyway, being a geek who doesn't club either, I guess I find my fun in going to festivals and finding free things to do in L.A. and other areas. I don't know if that's what you'd consider "in between," though.

Maybe just getting out and NOT hitting the bars and clubs.
Posts: 3394/3775
Yes, going out or staying in. When you define everything in absolutes like that - make everything black and white - you will always only have two choices.
avatar of law
Posts: 476/486
That's kinda my point. You just stated the only two things i can think of. Staying at home/hanging out with friends at home. Going out, like movies and things like that are cliche.

I'm trying to figure out an activity that goes beyond hanging out, or bar/club hopping.
Posts: 2239/2999 whatever the hell you want?

Short way to put it, but that's all I can think of. I stay home, play game, watch movies, go on the computer, etc, and sometimes do it with friends. If I'm asked to go out, or if I personally feel like it, I'll do that too (though I can't exactly get into bars yet, and this town has very little to do anyway). It's just...whatever. It is sort of odd that you think there's only two things, silly goose.

If there can only be two for you, mix 'em. POWER UP.
avatar of law
Posts: 475/486
I'm having issues finding myself in life.

For example, for some ODD reason, I find that there's really only two things you can do. Be really outgoing and either go out, get drunk, and go clubbing. Or be a geek and stay at home to either watch tv, do nothing, hang out with friends and play games, or some other activity at home.

I for one, do not want to go clubbing or hang out at bars. I also do not want to stay home and be a geek.

What the heck do REGULAR people do? I don't consider a hobby like bowling league, or dance classes, or other things that force you to be somewhere at a certain time as an inbetween.

Any help?
Xeogaming Forums - Sunset Waterfall - What's the in-between?

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