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03-12-25 11:25 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Future of Xeogaming...since Xeo didn't want to make the thread himself.
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Posts: 5702/7838
I admit that I have a total love to Thex.

It is a Love / Hate relationship though.
Posts: 1438/1569
Originally posted by Katana
Well duh. :p Naturally Thex has a soft side under all his...Thex-ness.

I like him...but misery loves company does it not?

I wouldn't go so far as calling him sweet but Thex is a nice guy if you're not....Retarded
Posts: 2453/3649
Well duh. :p Naturally Thex has a soft side under all his...Thex-ness.
Posts: 2154/2999
Nah Thex, you totally are. You may be mean to plenty of people, but you totally are. TOTALLY.
Posts: 1980/2724
Originally posted by Katana

And am I the only one who thinks Thex is a sweetheart? A cynical sweetheart...but sweet nonetheless. :p

As far as I know... the only one here, yes.
Posts: 5698/7838
Originally posted by Xeoji
*wonders what Thex will say...*

I have a good guess, he wont say anything.

Edit- Well, he might now that I have said something. 10 Imaginary monopoly dollars if he does.
Posts: 7280/11758
*wonders what Thex will say...*
Posts: 2446/3649
Yay! Facekicking!

I kinda intended that Boss.(I loved Leon and Benja's loyalty, and I see it as a nickname for ya, so hush. ) We kinda had a clique going on here. Everyone wanted to be a part of it. It not only drew members to sign up, but it drew them into the activity. Not saying that clique was perfect. There was a lot of drama...but...we're older now. Let's learn from the previous drama, and set an example for the new youngins.

Btw...TP. You're my favorite.

And am I the only one who thinks Thex is a sweetheart? A cynical sweetheart...but sweet nonetheless. :p

Posts: 1977/2724
No, TP, I just have a low opinion of almost everyone else.
Posts: 2148/2999
Someone has a rather high opinion of themself.
Posts: 1975/2724
Originally posted by Nagis
Originally posted by Cairoi
See? I love coming home and reading Thex's hilarious smackdowns. It's like my own cup of coffee.

Especially when it is the other way around. When someone, God Forbid, does it to him. That my friend, is hilarious. I think another way of putting it is poetic justice? Hell if I know.

Hell, when it's well done, even I enjoy it.

Unfortunately, it's typically left medium-rare at best.
Posts: 5677/7838
Originally posted by Cairoi
See? I love coming home and reading Thex's hilarious smackdowns. It's like my own cup of coffee.

Especially when it is the other way around. When someone, God Forbid, does it to him. That my friend, is hilarious. I think another way of putting it is poetic justice? Hell if I know.

Heh, that's quite an intense way to word it. I like that.

Im glad someone understands me. I think sometimes my way of wording things just does not settle with some of you. Makes me feel wonderful inside.

When I made that post yesterday about my thoughts. I was speaking in past tense because of how much we all grew up...wait, well, some of us that is. Not saying none of you guys here active today have not grown up, but read up on your posting history from two years ago, and look at how you post today.

And the reason why I said let it die, is mainly because I am a Rebel, I like to think differently. But it is up to Xeo to really decide
Posts: 2142/2999
Originally posted by Xeoji

All of you, Shred! lord.

I smiled. Then I read VG's post and cut my wrists.
Posts: 7258/11758
Agh, VG ... I don't know what to say.
Posts: 224/274
Reading this thread for some reason is giving me a little sick feeling in my stomach as this just about the exact same thing that I experienced on NFF. Only difference here is that you still have your loyal members. But anyway, I don't blame you for being upset -- I hope you resolve the domain issue soon.
Posts: 7249/11758

All of you, Shred!

Posts: 2955/3807
Don't sweat it, Xeo. No one was mad at you, they just hated the idea.

I've got just the idea to fix this place up proper.

This weekend, I call for a Shred.
Posts: 7247/11758
Well, where do I begin. Let's see if I don't pass out typing this (over the last few days I've been taking two tablets of a new medication I'm on at the same time, when I'm supposed to take only one twice a day 8 hours apart. It's been destroying me lately, I feel worse than having a high fever )

Right off the bat I'll just say, I guess I shot myself in the foot with a sawed off shotgun here. Once again, I guess I just really displayed how self centered I can be here sometimes? Taking the past for granted, being disappointed, attempting to take you guys down with me or something, I dunno. I was stupid. Although at first I honestly didn't think taking the board down would really hurt me personally ... but deep down inside I think eventually some regret would definitely erode and it would've been a dumb thing to do. Again though, that's definitely me just proving how ignorant I can be about myself sometimes. Sitting there thinking how -I- would feel and not -you guys-. That was definitely stupid. I'm not sure how I can even apologize for such arrogance there.

Second, as I'm sure most of you guessed I was lurking and reading the responses. Some of you honestly sounded a little aggressive on my side of things but hey, I really can't blame you. Though I just bring this up because again, like I said in the announcement and it's the honest truth, I did not type that up in disgust, anger, or anything like that. I wasn't mad at anyone here at all or anything. So, I apologize for sounding offensive there.

Also no matter how blunt and up front some of the responses were, I fully appreciate your guys honesty here.

"Xeogredding' aye? Heh.

Well I guess I didn't say it very well in the announcement, but kind of like I said above, I really wasn't upset typing that up and I'm not totally upset about the board or anything. I guess I just tend to sound too emotional in words.
Originally posted by VGFreak877
Raoh, maybe Xeo was "feeling it in his gut" considering the issue with the domain, that's why he feels the announcement was warranted -- just my take on it.

Honestly this is pretty much dead on. I don't even know exactly what came to me to make me write up that announcement but, whatever was in my gut there I just couldn't control and hold it back I guess.
Originally posted by Nagis either let it die, or die trying to keep it alive

Heh, that's quite an intense way to word it. I like that.

Basically, I was obviously wrong here and pretty stupid to say such things, I don't think a "sorry guys" is enough at all, but I hope you guys can forgive me.

Originally posted by Katana
Before we start thinking we need more members, let's just focus on having fun with the ones we have again.

I don't even know what to say to this, it's such a kick to the face! That's the absolute truth. Maybe some of us have just grown apart after awhile here and fixing that could certainly help. Again, gotta say I'm sorry for not being on AIM much myself ...

Kaijin sent me a PM with a bunch of suggestions for some changes the board could use and well, that's something I was thinking about over the last few days. Nothing insanely drastic, but little by little it'd probably be interesting and nice to change things up here and there. Simple things like changing the forums around, getting rid of some, merging some, etc. Alas, I can't do this alone so throw out some suggestions, idea's, etc! How about another banner contest? Haven't done awhile. I could mess around and attempt to make some new schemes, though that's usually trial and error for me (with color codes, lol). But yeah, just little things like that I think would make the place feel kind of spunky? Yeah ... Spunky, don't ask.

So above all, kind of what Katana was saying and well most of you, we just gotta try and get everyone back here. The domain issue did probably hit me pretty hard, day after day I was just getting more angry about it and I just got totally fed up (hopefully I can buy it again sometime? Having two domains would probably be nice!). From here, we could maybe try and get some new faces. Ya know, spam some forums and whatnot! (Katana knows about Benja and I, XD).

Basically, the announcement was kind of "in the moment" and that moment was a dumb one. Very lame, if you guys don't mind I'll probably delete that announcement, since stuff like that kind of leaves a rotten stench.

In final and I wish it were enough, I'm sorry. Though I've certainly never once lost this thought ~ The board would be nothing without you guys. But hey, you guys delivered a nice kick in the ass here, something I obviously needed.

In the end ... just kidding. (So above all ... Basically ... In final ... ).
(serious though, I can't say everything perfectly that I wanted too, but hopefully this clears things up and whatnot).
Posts: 1434/1569
On the topic of XGF,

I first joined as a mere 14 year old punk, I had some halo skills in real life so that became my alias on the internet. I was Spartan here first....after that the name stuck. I met Jexim, Shaddow,XMtS and alot of people through Xeogaming these people who went to my school and I made friends with because of this forum.

Outside of the little town of Petaluma I made alot of close friends through here: Makura, Katana, Thexare(I also found out his full name /dance), Xeios (The only other Chris I've met that I respect), Kaijin. The list could go on, hell even Nagis used to be on that list prior to our IMS kicking in.

I've been here for a long long time now, Sure my activity dropped down alot since the last board wipe but I've gotten older and a bit more mature since I first came here.

Hell Xeogaming is what helped me improve apon my shoddy writing skills (Sure my grammar sucks ass but hey I can spell now right).

Honestly if it comes to xeo not wanting to host it, if he lets me know the DNS info I can host it on one of my servers, or Klossus and I can work out a deal with one of the many people I know and we could host it.

'I may not post here often but I'm not going to stand idly by and let it just drift away.
Posts: 2954/3807
See? I love coming home and reading Thex's hilarious smackdowns. It's like my own cup of coffee.
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Future of Xeogaming...since Xeo didn't want to make the thread himself.

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