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02-01-25 07:54 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Plato
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Plato is a soul torn from the confines of our own. Once a young man who wanted nothing but a happy life, his life and identity were stripped of him by the dark hand of fate. Now burdened by curses, but blessed with the will of the gods, Plato scours the Earth, seeking the power to be free, and to find revenge.

Real Name: Lost long ago.
Age: Body is cursed to remain at 25.
Sex: Male
Appearance: He has thick and wavy medium length dark brown hair, and forest green eyes. Over his right eye and down his face is a deep, glowing scar that illuminates like fire. His left arm is covered in black tribal-like markings, painting a story as though an ancient tapestry. He wears a tight black t-shirt and black pants, loose enough to provide flexibility but still tight.

Plato is restricted by his Seals, but through extensive training and assistance of the gods, he has become a grand warrior.

Form One: Icarus

Weapons: Daedalus- His trusty sword, it is capable, through the masterly and magical skill it was built with, to grow and shrink to fit Plato's needs. It can be a dagger, short sword, long sword, broadsword, and can extend long distances past that by his command.

Cursed Arm-His left arm is branded with amazing magical energies. In his Icarus form, he can use it to release blasts of energy and use telekinesis, and the arm radiates a magical energy that functions like armor, but he cannot use it to fight with Daedalus. It's primary function is magic and defense in this Form.

Searing Eye- The cursed gift branded above his right eye gives him the ability to slowly learn one tactic or maneuver that an enemy uses. After every match, Plato takes something from his opponent, in one way or another. While never as skilled at the technique as the original owner is, he can extremely enhance his repertoire with this.

Oh, and he can sprout wings with gold linings from his back.

Form Two: Coming Soon

Xeogaming Forums - Character Profiles - Plato

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