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02-07-25 12:27 AM
0 users currently in Help & Suggestions.
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Slight problem
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Posts: 420/546
Oh yeah and also thanks for fixing my password.
Posts: 5327/7838
Just IM one of the admins, they can tell if its you or not, so its not a hassle of stealing accounts or anything.
Posts: 6769/11758
Acmlm boards don't have one.
avatar of law
Posts: 461/486
OMFG OMFG OMFG i was sooooo pissed off that i couldn't log in for the past week. I thought i was retarded or something, because i tried every single PW i have in existance. I even checked all my email accounts to search for a confirmation email with a PW or something.

To my surprise, there wasn't one? Xeogaming didn't send out an email?

I tried searching for the "i can't remember my pw" button, but i couldn't find it either it was so annoying =/
Posts: 5318/7838
Cant PM nobody. Maybe its just me.

Also, Fennicy cant login to her account. I logged into her account to help her get her custom title fixed up (Stupid AIM messing it up) And ever since then, she could not log back in.

If you guys can, PM me her new password, or just IM her- Kitsunehi
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Slight problem

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