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02-08-25 08:02 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - ...Magic: The Gathering Card Creations
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The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2368/2641
Yeah, I was considering making it a tap ability...
I'll post more later. C'mon, people; post yours D:
avatar of law
Posts: 457/486
that Gyromancer card is unplayably bad. It costs 4cc for a 1/1. The first sacrifice ability isn't worth it. sac him to make a spell (or more, but more times than nought, it will be one spell) cost 1 less is bad moreover, the second sacrifice requires you to sacrifice it before an opponent plays a spell. you can't sac it in response. So basically, you may or may not sacrifice it in vain =/

but man, awesome pic finds
Posts: 5176/7838
I remember having this card maker AWHILE back, but I never used it for some reason.

Wish this was in Website form, cause I know more Magic than Yu-gi-mon.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 2365/2641
Since we have a Yu-Gi-Oh card thread, here, anyone can make and upload their MtG cards.
Download here
It also has a Yu-Gi-Oh card maker, too.

Rules: They don't have to be pictures. You can post joke cards, just don't expect anyone to like them
Nothing too over-the-top. Please upload to tinypic, imageshack, or Photobucket or something, and post the IMAGE, not a link.
Thanks, and have fun.

Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - ...Magic: The Gathering Card Creations

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