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03-13-25 03:18 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Rush Hour movies
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Posts: 293/546
Originally posted by avatar of law
I'm a big Jackie Chan fan.

Actually, i thought the first one wasn't good. I questioned why they made a second movie really. However the third one was by far the best of the three. Given, the ending was quick, and the movie could've been longer, the chemistry and jokes throughout the movie made it awesome. The french guy added some spice

the part that bothered me, was when the chinese lady (the bad one) towards the ending, says "I've got a secret," then dies two seconds later, kinda left us wondering wtf...?

Wasn't the secret that one of them was going to die that night?
avatar of law
Posts: 456/486
I'm a big Jackie Chan fan.

Actually, i thought the first one wasn't good. I questioned why they made a second movie really. However the third one was by far the best of the three. Given, the ending was quick, and the movie could've been longer, the chemistry and jokes throughout the movie made it awesome. The french guy added some spice

the part that bothered me, was when the chinese lady (the bad one) towards the ending, says "I've got a secret," then dies two seconds later, kinda left us wondering wtf...?
Posts: 285/546
Originally posted by DarkBeloved
Love, love, love the first two. Frankly the second one is probably my favorite, just becuase I've seen it SO many times. The first is a classic, a classic I say!

However, I did the third, I mean come on....I just had too!! And I will say...those two's on-screen chemistry is the best!! Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are quite the seen of course in the first two Rush Hours. And yet, the story line was a bit...botched. It started off weird, like a bunch of back story was missing of what happened between it and the second movie. Then the end was a bit abrupt. It was all, action action action....then over, they got the bad guy. It felt rushed, a bit. And it was the same director, so I was surprised.

But I guess, you cant keep producing such great story lines with these sorta things. However, I do recommend seeing the third, if you liked the other two!!! I still liked the movie, it was just not up to par with its first two.

OOooo, look, a lengthy goodness....woops ^^

Yeah what you say is true in my opinion too. If they had made it a bit longer with a little bit more information (specially when it came to Jackie Chan's brother) then it would be perfect really.
Posts: 78/204
Love, love, love the first two. Frankly the second one is probably my favorite, just becuase I've seen it SO many times. The first is a classic, a classic I say!

However, I did the third, I mean come on....I just had too!! And I will say...those two's on-screen chemistry is the best!! Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are quite the seen of course in the first two Rush Hours. And yet, the story line was a bit...botched. It started off weird, like a bunch of back story was missing of what happened between it and the second movie. Then the end was a bit abrupt. It was all, action action action....then over, they got the bad guy. It felt rushed, a bit. And it was the same director, so I was surprised.

But I guess, you cant keep producing such great story lines with these sorta things. However, I do recommend seeing the third, if you liked the other two!!! I still liked the movie, it was just not up to par with its first two.

OOooo, look, a lengthy goodness....woops ^^
Posts: 3587/11918
I didn't see the first or the third one. I saw the second one on a whim--went to the theater, determined to see a movie, nothing good was playing so I just bought a ticket to see it without knowing what happened in the first.

To be honest, I don't remember any of it. Just another interracial crime-fighting team, but since one of the guys is Jackie Chan it opens the door for "not understanding the words coming out of [the non-Jackie Chan guy's] mouth" and some wicked martial arts stunts.

I'm still somewhat distrusting of anything coming from Bret Ratner on top of that.
Posts: 6640/11758
Loved the first two, but the third just looked like it was going to be a flop. Seemed to kind of slip under the radar too.

But yeah, I need to give it a fair judgement and see it myself.
Posts: 284/546
Well I recently saw Rush Hour 3 in theaters and I thought that it was hilarious and better than the first two were.

Has anyone else seen this movie? Has anyone else even seen the first two?
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Rush Hour movies

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