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03-14-25 10:21 AM
0 users currently in Muses' Sanctuary.
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - This is a special layout.
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Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2602/4541
It's a good idea, but...

All I've seen is the black, and it's been far more than four hours.
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1993/2915
I still don't know why it's acting differently in my profile (looks better there). I'm still trying to think of a way to make fade with colors.
Posts: 272/684
That's good what I see so far.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 621/1329
It's very good so far. I can't wait to see the colors as well.

For some reason your layout was blocked.. I don't remember ever doing that..
Posts: 240/546
That's an interesting idea. I can't wait to see the different colors. XD
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1992/2915
My layout is pretty much the same as before, except it changes color schemes every 4 hours.

So if one of them is ugly, do tell me, I will change it.

It's still primitive and link colors are... well, not changed so I'll have to do that (also, the image will change depending on the time when I feel like doing it).


EDIT: What the hell, looks quite different than in my profile.
EDIT2: Ugh, some small problems to fix.

The above now means nothing, as I've set it to a 24 hours fade (background), until I fix everything. From midnight to twelve, it's going from black to white, and from twelve to midnight from white to black.
Xeogaming Forums - Muses' Sanctuary - This is a special layout.

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