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03-14-25 10:21 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Minneapolis Bridge Collapses
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Posts: 607/641
I think that the government should be privatized.
Posts: 4554/9736
They say the bridge was structurally deficient and had been for at least 20 years. That term has a very broad definition though, so not all bridges deemed structurally deficient are in danger of collapse (some just need a paint job, seriously that is what I learned). They believe it was a fracture or something.
Kyoku kun
Posts: 618/1329
My cousin lives in Minneapolis, I am sooo glad she wasn't involved..
Do we have ANY idea what happened?
Posts: 228/546
It's terrible.

At least other places are taking precautions now. I heard that there was a lot of bridge checking these days. Specially for older bridges.
Cyro Xero
Posts: 1176/1779
If I had time I would have gone to check the scene myself and gotten a few pictures for you guys. I had other things to do however, and now I am back at Ft. McCoy. I was a bit shocked when I my friend first told me about it.
Posts: 254/684
Oh, yes I heard about it. But I've more concerned about the NYC Bridges right now. What if the Brooklyn bridge collapse.
Posts: 4832/7838

Major Minneapolis Bridge Collapses Over Mississippi River

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

MINNEAPOLIS — The I-35W highway bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis collapsed during evening rush hour Wednesday, sending many cars and motorists into the water.

A doctor confimed at least one person died due to drowning, at least six people suffered critical injuries and at least 22 people have minor injuries. Two other deaths have been reported

Dr. Joseph Clinton of Hennepin County Medical Center which reported the fatality said he wasn't sure what to expect in regards to heightened death or injury toll later in the evening.

due to the catastrophe while authorities tell FOX News that there are between 20 to 30 people in the river and witnesses told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune that at least 20 cars may have been involved.

Television reports have said at least 50 cars may still be in the river.

Tons of concrete have collapsed and survivors are being carried up the riverbank. Both the northbound and southbound lanes of 35W are lying in the Mississippi River, according to local CBS affiliate

Pieces of bridge wreckage lay on the east bank of the river, while large portions of concrete roadway lay on the west bank. Rescuers are scrambling to help people caught on parts of the roadway in the river gorge, according to the

From what I have seen on the news, the bridge was inspected in 2002, and was givin like 2 awards or something along the lines of Perfect health.

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Minneapolis Bridge Collapses

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