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02-15-25 06:55 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Free Slurpees
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Posts: 154/546
I've never really heard of them actually doing that, but I could believe it though. ^^

avatar of law
Posts: 449/486
i went to one, asked if they were doing it, they said no.

went to another one 3 blocks away, and said it ended at 2pm. it was 2:45pm
Posts: 4483/9736
Ha. What I think is the greatest thing is the pink donuts... but that is getting off topic.

You know, I don't feel so bad about missing it, I only like the cherry flavored slurpee anyway.
Posts: 1791/2724
Someone must've IMed Elara.

And damn it, I was just out yesterday to pick up my DSL modem! (that I mysteriously did not have to pay a dime for... weird, that.)
Posts: 4480/9736
Wouldn't it be free squishies this year?

Ha ha, see I get out enough to know these things!
Posts: 1344/1555
Damn. I missed it. Next year I'm gonna see how many different flavored slurpees I can get.
Posts: 3454/11918
Heh, that's right, they do have that on this day. Usually they're 7.11 oz. Slurpees, though.

A friend of mine makes a day out of driving to different ones and pouring them into one big cup every year.
Posts: 1480/1858
It's 7/11 so 7-11 is giving away free slurpees. Rejoice. =)
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Free Slurpees

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