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03-14-25 07:17 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Metal Challenge!
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Posts: 6512/11758
Nah, I was just suggesting that I've heard too much and forgot about Crimson Glory when I thought of making this thread.

Edit: Guess it is kind of pointless though. Just throwing around crazy high pitched vocalists (like I have).

Edit 2: I just need to go to bed. I don't even know what I'm trying to say here.
Posts: 1174/1198
Originally posted by Lord X
Bah, too much metal.

I'm confused. Isn't this a Metal Challenge?
Posts: 6511/11758
Bah, too much metal. I forgot about old Crimson Glory.

"Midnight" is an insane vocalist.
Posts: 1172/1198

There you go. Phil Anselmo before the drugs he took completely fucked him up. The high notes he hits begin at like 5:05. I think the highest is at 5:07 or 5:08. Anyway, it's pretty damn high, especially coming from a thrash metal band. It may not quite beat John Cyriis....but at least it's a better song.

My bad. the video time count is going the other way. I think the high note is at :35.
And at :28
Posts: 3442/11918
OK, this is cheating since it's glam rock... but Justin Hawkins formerly of The Darkness:

Zoso knows a shitload of ones I could post, but I'll have to wait until he gets home. The other day, he played one that started out with what sounded like a guitar hitting a really high note for a long time and then as it tapered off, it was really the singer's voice.

I'll have to get that one from him.
Posts: 4662/7838
*Clicks play*


Do you know who he reminded me of? The master Shake Birthday song. For some reason I couldn't get that image of master Shake headbanging out of my head.

But Ill take a stab at this.

Lost Horizion- Sworn in a metal Wind

Only time where he hits a Major high note is the beginning of the song. The rest is down right Ripping up metal Winds. But hey, you got to give the guy credit on the intro of the song.

I may have some songs that pierce ears, But I have like a serious collection growing here.


*shrugs* Not really what I was looking for. -____- so far Xeo's songs are winning
Posts: 6506/11758
If you think you can find someone who hits higher notes than this guy (I'm sure its falsetto), bring it! I think this beats Rob Halford himself.

Vocalist: Warrel Dane
Sanctuary - Battle Angels

Agent Steel's John Cyriis probably beats him, but yeah. Heaven or Hell!
Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - Metal Challenge!

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