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03-14-25 09:16 AM
0 users currently in Help & Suggestions.
Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Novels
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Posts: 6493/11758
You don't seem like one who'd purposely do such a thing and hey, we're pretty relaxed here.
Posts: 112/546
Ahh thanks. ^^jjj

I didn't want to spam and make a mess of things.
Posts: 6492/11758
Come to think of it I think that was stickied, but I recently took it down when I was randomly cleaning up some stickied threads I guess.
Posts: 1766/2999
There's a thread, though it's strangely not a sticky. Hm. *does so*

What are you reading?

If you wanted you could make a separate thread if you wanted to discuss it even further, but that thread is suffice for naming a book and talking a bit about it.
Posts: 6491/11758
I'd say General or Entertainment would be fine.
Posts: 111/546
I didn't see any of them say that you could talk about books too. All it says is talk about anything related to music or tv.
Posts: 2558/3775
Entertainment. There's even a sticky thread about it.
Posts: 109/546
I hope this isn't a stupid question, but if someone wanted to make threads about regular books instead of just manga would they just post it in General Discussion?

I'd feel bad for breaking the forum rules and creating spam. lol

Xeogaming Forums - Help & Suggestions - Novels

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