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03-11-25 09:25 PM
0 users currently in Xeo's Hot Tub.
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Remember this?
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Posts: 4444/7838
I dont think its counter strike.

unless that guy has some sort of plug-in that has some green bar on the top-right corner.

Disregard that. I still dont think its CS.
True Flight
Posts: 2433/5245
Sparda even said that the guy in the background was playing counter strike. XD
Posts: 2440/3775
Do they even understand what they are singing?
Posts: 4443/7838
That was trippy.

I remembered this back way back when. I dont remember when tho
Posts: 3348/11918
Oh God, I always loved this thing.

You just have to adore that guy sitting behind them acting like it isn't happening.
True Flight
Posts: 2429/5245

Don't worry I'm disabling my layout. But Spards found this first. XD

It never gets old
Xeogaming Forums - Xeo's Hot Tub - Remember this?

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