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02-06-25 05:23 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Dont Pump Gas on May 15th
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Posts: 789/838
Gas out wouldn't work because the individual gas stations don't actually make
more than a few pennies per gallon. It's the snacks and sodas and energy drinks and such that they make all their profit off of.

Also the corporations that refine and distribute the gasoline aren't making a huge
profit either. The price of gas is not being hiked up by some shadowy figures just
to line their pockets with exirbitant amounts of money. It really is a matter of
supply and demand, sadly enough.

Now if we protested and stopped buying gas for two or three months then of course we would see a drop in prices. But only because the supply would have
increased into a surpluss when there was no longer any demand for the product.
Catch my drift?

The only way to help yourself with the price of gas is to use less, not buy less.
Doesn't make a lot of sense I know but take me for example.

I drive a motorcycle so I have probably the most gas effective vehicle in existence
short or a hybrid car. If I drive freeways and such at a speed of 65-70 miles an hour
I'll get roughly 180 miles out of one 3 1/2 gallon gas tank before I have to fill up.

If I drive at 75-85 miles an hour I'll get MAYBE 150 miles before I gotta fill up.
Driving faster burns more fuel, so if people stuck to the speed limit, turned off
their car's when they had reason to sit and wait somewhere for a while like in the
line at the Drive-thru or whatever, if you got your tires balanced, had proper tire
pressure, changed your oil and checked all the filters you'd get better mileage
per gallon out of your car, spend less overall on gas, and get to your destination
with a greater assurance of safety.

And we thought they were just feeding us a line when they posted speed limits.
Posts: 2136/2785
A gas out wouldn't work. The simple fact being that every person does not fuel up everyday, so even if everyone in the country stopped for a day, it wouldn't be a huge hit to the industry.

The methodology doesn't work. I didn't fuel up on the 15th because I didn't have to. Car was filled up three days before. I didn't end up refueling until around the 20th. In order for this to even succeed, we'd have to stop fueling, as a nation, for at least a period of a month. Which, in our transportation driven society, is pretty much a long shot.
avatar of law
Posts: 441/486
so yeah, i unintentionally pumped gas on the 14th (as many predicted ppl would do) but i did notice that prices did go down a couple cents around my neighborhood...
Posts: 292/577
Originally posted by avatar of law
and plus, gas prices aren't fixed anyways. it fluctuates from region to region, depending on how much people are willing to pay, and how far they'll go to avoid the prices. it depends on the neighborhood and the cost of living.

ever wonder why, from your house it costs like $3.49, and 5 miles away it's $3.69, and another 15 miles away, it's $3.29? it sure as hell isn't because different brands cost different prices, or are competitive with each other. Why is gas in AZ around $2, when in cali, especially SoCal with our own oil deposites, we're paying for more?

so if anything, you can boycott your own gas station or w/e, but good luck with that

I agree with this. I noticed this a long time ago how the gas prices differ from area to area even in a range of only a few miles to across the street. Hell, in San Francisco there are two 76 stations literally across the street from each other with different prices. And people go to the more expensive one! Lots of people just don't care how expensive gas is. Plus as more than a few people said they will just buy it the day before or the day after.
avatar of law
Posts: 439/486
and plus, gas prices aren't fixed anyways. it fluctuates from region to region, depending on how much people are willing to pay, and how far they'll go to avoid the prices. it depends on the neighborhood and the cost of living.

ever wonder why, from your house it costs like $3.49, and 5 miles away it's $3.69, and another 15 miles away, it's $3.29? it sure as hell isn't because different brands cost different prices, or are competitive with each other. Why is gas in AZ around $2, when in cali, especially SoCal with our own oil deposites, we're paying for more?

so if anything, you can boycott your own gas station or w/e, but good luck with that
Kard Ayals
Posts: 1906/2915
Honestly, it's not price that's bothering me:
it's the increase in price, especially when they make record profits.

but hey, as long as they claim they don't have enough gas, they can do whatever they want.
Posts: 967/1748
Also, why the fuck are some people moaning that fule prices are $3 a gallon!? Woop-de-fucking-do... Here in Britain I worked out most fuel prices to be arounnd 10 or 11 dollars per gallon... True that was using some very rough figures to convert litres into gallons, but still... Whoever actually pays attention to this rumour still should not moan about $3 a gallon fuel... It's us Brits that need to actually go ahead with this!
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 2136/4541
Your april 1997 thing is actually just a rumor that's be running around for ages.

Regardless, I don't really see the point in it. Like Teundusia said, they'd just make up for it by buying ti all later.
Posts: 4272/7838
Gosh guys, being all negative and stuff.

Thanks for ruining my morning
Posts: 966/1748
One day of a large group of people not buying fuel isn't exactly abnormal... How often does the average person fill their car up?

Also, all the people that don't do it on the fifteenth will probably go ahead and do it on the sixteenth or seventeenth, or do it the day before...

I guess if anyone would want to try and hit the fuel businesses hard they would have to not buy any fuel for a LONG period... And unless you've got a backup plan to travel long distances or a secret oil derrick in your garden I doubt anyone would do that...
Posts: 3231/11918
I hate to say it, but things like this get e-mailed around the 'net for years and nothing's come of them other than a few clogged systems from passing the announcement around right along with the chain letters and joke mails.

Snopes has a retort to it every year:

While the idea sounds noble enough, it's an urban legend that doesn't really hit the gas companies where it hurts.

Posts: 2269/2954
I'll do this simply because I do not own a car! HUZZAH REBELLION!
Posts: 209/246
no it won't.... it won't do a damn thing

sure, they will see that on May 15th a slight drop in sales which will probably be countered by an increase over the following few days as people make up for it.

it's pointless. The only way to reduce gas prices is to lower demand by driving less than we do now. Basic economics.
Posts: 4264/7838

Originally posted by SINISTER
Don't pump gas on MAY 15th

In April 1997, there was a "gas out" conducted nationwide in protest
of gas prices. Gasoline prices dropped 30 cents a gallon overnight.

On May 15th 2007, all internet users are to not go to a gas station in
protest of high gas prices. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon in most
There are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet
network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up.

If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take
$2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companies
pockets for just one day, so please do not go to the gas station on
May 15th and lets try to put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for
at least one day.
If you agree (which I cant see why you wouldn't) resend/repost this to all
your contact list, saying, ''Don't pump gas on May 15th"

Im with this. WHOSE WITH ME!?

If it will make a dent in the Oil industry, im so going to do this.
Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Dont Pump Gas on May 15th

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