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Cairoi Posts: 3617/3807 |
No, Wireless died when they wiped the Company harddrives. She died with Richard Drucker.
The Graphic Novel Where She Died It happened between second and third season, I believe. And yes, Monica was an insanely great character. She had potential to represent what the show was really about, but nope, we got Villains. |
Rogue Posts: 5944/11918 |
Originally posted by Cairoi Despite the fact that I'll argue it should have been Wireless (whose body is dead, but her mind lives on in the Internet), I'm still glad they brought back Micah. I know Monica will never return, but damnit, she was a great character. With her and her family being Katrina survivors, AND she was just a hard-working girl trying to support everyone, AND she had an original power, she brought in several fresh dimensions to the story. |
Cairoi Posts: 3615/3807 |
Monica will never be in a Heroes thing again ever, likely, because the show can't abide one of the bare few good characters introduced in Season 2.
Also, I liked that Micah was Rebel. I mean, he was friends with Wireless, so he probably picked up some lessons from her, and she WAS dead. I was just glad he came back once after being so rudely written off. |
Rogue Posts: 5921/11918 |
Originally posted by Cairoi Ali Larter would somehow be fit in somewhere as well, I'm sure. Jeez, I remember the very first time I was ever around the show's writers, they bragged that they were the only show with the balls to kill off main/beloved characters and such. Yeah, Niki/Jessica's gone, but now you've got this shitty clone storyline that sort of fell off. If they do this mini-series, I want Monica in it. I still can't get over the fact that Micah was supposed to be Rebel. It should have been Wireless. |
Phoenixocracy Posts: 980/2746 |
If what you said actually happens, then yeah, I will dislike the story. I think that they need new characters, and it would put the population on end, not knowing what to do. Obviously, there would be villains.
But I know what you mean, Cairoi. I'm still excited for this to happen, but if its done wrong, I would be very disappointed. |
Cairoi Posts: 3611/3807 |
Kring talked about his idea for the mini-series. It sounds TERRIBLE. It's basically "Claire is the spokesperson for supers, Sylar struggles with his bad side (AGAIN), and Nathan would show up in one form or another."
Honestly, I used to love this show, but time away has helped me to come with terms with how much it faltered. The fourth season redeemed it somewhat but it's not going to do any good to continue the story. I want it to stay dead. |
Phoenixocracy Posts: 975/2746 |
Originally posted by Rogue Agreed. I love that you said this. I was going to be really disappointed if you had posted in this thread and there was nothing about a new season and such. But I am happy with this. However, I agree with you. A few episodes is not enough to tie everything together--not with what the dumb cheerleader did. There would be world coverage. Hell, in every other alternate future that found out about them, anyone with powers was screwed. And Sylar. I have to mention Sylar, because he has been my favorite character throughout the show. If they ruin his character by making him too nice, I will be extremely angry. They did good with Hiro, though. ![]() |
Rogue Posts: 5920/11918 |
So there are rumors that there might be a short season or TV movie to tie everything up.
Originally posted by Tim Kring Source: http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2010/07/26/an-ending-to-heroes/ I dunno. Claire kinda dropped a big bombshell on the rest of the cast with the ending to last season. Could it really be tied up in a handful of episodes? I hope Claire gets killed off in them in the worst way possible. |
Rogue Posts: 5693/11918 |
So I was just looking up a book at my library (which wasn't there, so I have to freaking ILL it. ARGH), and noticed that "Saving Charlie" came up in a search. If I remember right, the story was supposed to take place in season 1 where Hiro was getting close to Charlie and was trying to prevent her from being killed by Sylar in the future, only to discover that there are just some things he can't change, especially since she had the inoperable tumor in her brain and would die anyway.
I still haven't read the book, but after this past season, would there really be a point? |
Phoenixocracy Posts: 107/2746 |
Originally posted by Cairoi lmao And yeah, youre right about the Peter thing. I guess Rogue had the point of Ted being okay, which is still a little iffy, but i'll accept it. |
Cairoi Posts: 3406/3807 |
Matt Parkman would use his mind control to influence the writers not to pull his ass out of the fire. |
Rogue Posts: 5684/11918 |
I think the deal with Peter healing was because he had that nuclear power. Whenever Ted went Chernobyl, he was all right afterward. Since Nathan was right on Peter when he was about to blow and he didn't share that power or healing he ended up needing the healer's blood to be mended.
As for off-switch, I think they were playing off when Claire got that stick stuck in her head and seemed dead, just like when Peter had the glass shard up in there. It was all about having the brain in tact. In season 2, with Kinsei, they started saying that a gunshot to the head would kill a healer. I guess if some of the brain matter were removed and the brain wasn't in one piece like if there was just a puncture, it's possible. In terms of HRG and Sylar talking about his special spot and being able to move it because he was a shapeshifter, it got really obnoxious. It seemed like the show started touching on that more and more. The one thing I could NEVER figure out with the show is how Matt somehow got out of things. In season 1, when he talked this guy out of robbing a store, he picked up the gun and everyone thought he was trying to rob them. End scene. Next episode... like it never happened. Same thing with him being framed for having a bomb. It was just buried. I'm still wondering how he got out of the incident when he was trying to commit suicide-by-cop so he could eliminate himself and Sylar in the same body. |
Cairoi Posts: 3405/3807 |
Originally posted by DrowningPhoenix Dude, that rule existed in season one. Peter got stabbed in the brain and couldn't heal. |
Phoenixocracy Posts: 104/2746 |
Exactly. Constantly drowning Claire = best game ever.
And yeah, they made alot of mistakes. In the first season, for the the season finale, they blew up Peter, saying that he just healed afterwards and was all better. Then the next season, they added the rule that if a certain spot on the body is hit, then the person cant heal....WHAT?! I found it completely contradicting, but they stuck to it after that. |
Rogue Posts: 5682/11918 |
It seems the only way to kill healers like Claire is to sever the brain from the rest of the body so it doesn't give the signal to heal. Then again, she went through what might equate to a nuclear explosion in "Company Man" which probably would have cooked her brain, and it all still regenerated.
I really liked Claire in first season. Then I kept wanting to see her get killed off. But keeping her in a state of constantly drowning sounds fun. |
Phoenixocracy Posts: 103/2746 |
Originally posted by Rogue I agree. The way the season ended left so many possibilities. Peter and Syalr could have been great together, and I really wanted to know how the public would take it. And Claire...I almost want to trap her in a pool of water so she constantly dies. Or a volcano. |
Cairoi Posts: 3404/3807 |
I've been dealing with depression from this news since they first announced it. I guess the times, they are a-changin'. |
Rogue Posts: 5679/11918 |
So, the show's been canceled. After the way, the last volume ended -- with Claire pretty much being a media whore -- I really don't know what to feel.
Sylar and Peter had really grown. |
Rogue Posts: 5480/11918 |
Yep, this volume is definitely kicking some ass. It's really bringing back the spirit of season 1, and so far it's been deviating from the same old formula (bad thing is painted, someone goes into future to confirm bad thing will happen, Nathan presumed dead, things work out .. sort of) which is excellent.
Good deal. |
Rogue Posts: 5478/11918 |
I'm really looking forward to Gretchen getting killed off. Ever since Claire's roommate got killed off, she's been so obnoxious.
I definitely want to see more of that doctor who was counseling Sylar's body, though. I hope she gets to stick around. Not that into the tattoo girl, though. Samuel's interesting. Do want to see more of Ray Park. Overall not a bad volume. |
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