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09-20-24 09:03 PM
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Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - What lies beyond the universe?
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Posts: 422/1461
, wow, this are some rather interesting and incredible theories I've red here. Personally I'll keep it simple to keep my head form exploding and think that there is no end to the unverse, it's and endless amount of space housing an infinite number of stars, plannets, galaxies and who knows what else out there.
Posts: 118/793
Who's to say? No theory will ever be proven in our lifetime. We can only work towards a way that will help our future generations find its way at the end of that long galaxy trail. But first, we've gotta stop whatever is dragging us down; our own desires have got to be replaced with nourishment for our futures minds. But in the pessimistic minds that make our world run now, peace is not an option for advancement. We'll burn ourselves down before we evolve again, they say, and though I don't want to say it, that is one thing that comes to mind. Should we live for the moment, will our efforts be fruitless and should we allow our next generation be a cookie cutter shape of its past? We'll all find ways to counter eachothers ideals, and thus advancement is halted until one gains the upperhand, be it political or economical methods, such as war. So, to wrap this up, it all goes round and round. Look into the wheels of the bus to see where we're truly headed; a one way route to where we just were.
Posts: 8/28
*enters Biblical-ish mode*
In Genesis 1:3 God said, "Let there be light."
In Genesis 1:14 God said, "Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate day from night."
So, God created 2 different kind of lights. One that we know of and one that we can't comprehend. I think the guy who got closest with this was Einstien. Anyway, he said that the faster you go, the slower time is. If you go 60mph to a place that's 10 miles down the road, you'll get there in 10 minutes. If you go 70mph, you'll get there in less than 10 minutes. So, if you go the speed of light, time stops. And that is why i beleive that if there is anything outside of our universe it's the other side of the first light God created. Heaven. Cause there is no time in Heaven. So if there is no time, it would make sense that it is because it's moving at the speed of light.
Posts: 200/3807
If the universe is "Every piece of matter within the confines of space" Then there can't be two. There is two. What our minds dwell to find is the answer: Curiousity is a calling sign for our race.In my opinion, I say: Screw it. Our minds cannot accept that there is no end. I mean it's just space. THere's going to be space. There's no wall. It's just emptiness. But does it really matter? A trip to pluto basically costs us 1/4 of our lifes. We would need exotic matter "with negatively powered particles" to drive us in space, and scientists don't beleive there is enough for a ship the size of a single celled organism. In our lifetime, this will never happen. We will live on Earth always seeking the answer, then looking back atlife wondering what the question in itself is. And so, brilliant minds are wasted on the foundless belief that we can make it to the end. We're just a cosmic blip at most. THe universe will not cease do exist once we do. The vanity and self-importance of humanity leads us to things we could live without but for some reason seek.

So, in conclusion, screw it and have fun. You only have one life.
Azen Dalin
Posts: 44/324
I doubt it would be the lockness monster. *laughs* However, there might be some odd monstrosity out there like that. Many people have speculated something like that.

Hell, its the end to something that's not supposed to end...I wouldn't doubt it if there were some huge monstrostiy going, "You have reached both the end of the universe and the end of your life."
Posts: 112/444
THAT'S IT!! the loch ness monster is what lies beyond!
Broken Dreams
Posts: 65/371
look at Star Wars, it could happen " may the force be with you." haha sorry couldn't help it but on a serious level I think there is another universe out there we just haven't created anything that could would be strong to handle the heat in speed of light counting on the humans they have to handle it too, we can only do so much. but I think humans need to study the own earth and planets more before they try to discovery anything else.
I mean people still haven't created a machine strong enough to handle the preasure under really really deep sea water. There's so many creatures that humans haven't discorvered why in the world would the worry about anything else.
who knows maybe there are such things as monsters that look like lochness or something, there's just so many smart animals out there people sometimes get carried away thinking there the only smart mamals but I bet there is something on earth even smarter then us humans, we just cn't find it or know it.

I really find the ocean intreasting.
Azen Dalin
Posts: 7/324
You need a cigarette after thinking about something like this, no? Or maybe a cookie for those of us less addicted to nicotine. *cracks knuckles* Okay, my turn to take a crack at this shizzle!

At the end of the universe is more universe. If it is endless, it only continues to go on. There are thousands of more stars, planets, suns, solar systems...everywhere. Our human star-spotting people just haven't been looking in the right places.

In short, there really is no end to ONE universe. Most likely, we just kind of bump into other universe in a sort of "unaware" way. No one notices each other, so we go on living with that itching question, "alone? maybe...." and then the scientist make up bullshit to keep us all on the ends of our seats.

"Well me and Professor Bob here decided that there are billions more stars out there and maybe MAYBE one of them may hold another planet..." and so we sit, awaiting an answer to that question, which is within, "What is at the end of the universe...?"

Want an honest straight forward answer? Your ass...that is what is in the end ultimately. No matter if we find it in this life time, just take comfort knowing that your ass is still at the end of your body.

Why ask questions like these? Because we're humans and we can for that cigarette. O.o no sleep in almost 24 hours and going on adrenalin, aderol, and coffee. ^^ it is the true happiness (that last statement was only relavent to tell you all why I've been so phylisophical )
Posts: 80/444
pudding, rich delicious pudding

no but seriously what lies beyond is exactly that...the beyond, but what is behind the beyond? more importantly what is beyond the behind? the answer: whatever we percieve it to be when we get there. because trying to define for ourselvs it in terms we understand is like affixing wheels to a tomato: time consumeing and ultimately pointless. we define the world by our senses and they are dependant on certain things which are common to our universe. Light with which to see things (and things for the light to bounce off of), and vibrations to hear (which is really just another form of touch), matter to touch and smell and taste. so that boils down to energy and matter, which are interchangable according to our most renowned scientists. and that is what our entire universe is made of, so what ever is out there (unless it is just more universes just like ours, which begs the question what is outside of that?) would be completly and utterly incomprehensible, and undetectable and completely immpossible to interact with at all because it wouldnt be "stuff" it would be "stuff that isnt stuff" and since we are "stuff" ourselves we cannot see, touch, smell or taste "not stuff" (energy is stuff)

does anybody see where i am trying to go with this? we are bound by the laws of this universe and are only equipped to detect that which is bound by the same laws. so if there is extra stuff than it really dosent matter because there is no way we could tell even if we were all decked out with the finest imaginary science detection equipment.
Posts: 19/246
so, it wraps around like the earth does? if you drive/fly long enough in one direction you will eventually come back to the same spot from the opposite direction...

it's possible
Posts: 350/1748
Well either that or our uiverse wraps around itself so if you went out into space in one direction, eventually you would end up back in the solar system, just after billions of years

Anyway, i never said it was a theory, just an idea
Posts: 18/246
RYjet911: and therefore is untestable and unprovable.... making your theory not a theory at all.... but just some wild made up story...

that's okay though
Posts: 905/9736
Interesting theory RYjet... kinda cool really.

Anywho, I don't think we ever could reach the edge of the universe, kinda because of what Van said. However, in the spirit of oddness and the fact that I loved the Hitchhiker movie, I will say that there is a restaurant at the end.
Posts: 344/1748
I believe that inside the nucleus of EVERY living organism there is a universe, but that universe dies out when the cell dies. But the universe inside a cell is SO small it is impossible to destroy it without the cell dying, and it will be impossible to see under any microscope.
Van Rhanell
Posts: 84/337
the book A Short History of Nearly Everything implies that the universe is finite but is in a shape that we cannot get out of it, no matter what we do. I think that we could all lie inside of a gargantuan black hole, which pulled itself into itself, event horizon and all.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 395/4541
The universe is infinite. It goes on forever, and nothing lies outside of our universe, because there is no outside.

However, I believe there are other usiverses, and I'll explain my complicated theory later.
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 186/2641
Well, it was a period of civil war. Rebel starships, striking from a hidden base have won their first victory over the evil Galactic Empire.
Posts: 300/2999
Well, some people were able to travel many to planets and systems. They lived a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...
Posts: 569/958
I don't know, I believe that it just goes on and on, with worlds and suns and planets ever going on. I wonder if we will ever find out whats out there
The Accidental Protege
Posts: 180/2641
Nothing? Everything? A whole 'nother unverse? Who knows. I vote for nothingness... but if you were to travel to the unverse's edge, what would nothingness, if that is in fact what lies there, look like? If you enter nothingness, nothingness would not longer contain nothing, it would contain something: you. So what would... happen? I'm confuzzled, and rightly so.
Xeogaming Forums - Debate Shrine - What lies beyond the universe?

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